


I have a very simple Enum as follows:


在这里我放了三种颜色,但可能有 undefined

Here I've put three colours, but it may have a undefined size.

此枚举将用于可能具有 undefined 实例数量(数百,数千甚至数百万)的类中

This Enum will be used in a class which can have an undefined number of instances (hundreds, thousands or even millions).


In this class I have a method that must return a random Colour.


private Colour[] colours;

public Datastructure() {

    colours = Colour.values();

public Colour getRandomColour() {
     return colours[rand.nextInt() % colours.length];


Or I can keep calling Colour.values() instead of creating the colours list.

public Colour getRandromColour() {
     return Colour.values()[rand.nexInt() % Colour.values().length]


In the first option, an extra array is created. Keep in mind that this class may have many instances, so it could be considered a waste of memory, and may have a impact on running time as well (instantiating the array). Especially when there are a lot of class instances.


In the second option, Colour.values() is called a few times (in this simple example it is only a few times but in my project it's bit more complex and has more calls) so this can be considered a waste of CPU usage.

我更喜欢使用第二种方法,但是我我对Colour.values()方法的复杂性感到好奇,我担心它可能是线性O(n)。 n是枚举中颜色的数量。当颜色很多时,这将是可怕的。

I would prefer using the second option, but I'm curious about the complexity of the Colour.values() method, which I fear may be linear O(n). n being the number of Colours in the enum. This would be horrible when there are a lot of colours.


Or would it just be a weigh off and choose the best of two evils?

tl; dr Enum.values()的复杂性是什么?

tl;dr What is the complexity of Enum.values()?


Colour.values()返回的数组始终包含相同的元素,但是 values()创建每次调用 new 数组(所以它是O(n),其中n是枚举值的数量)。而且您永远不会修改该数组。因此,每次需要时调用该方法都是浪费时间。并且在DataStructure类的每个实例中存储数组都是浪费时间和内存。我只需调用该方法一次,然后将该数组缓存为一个常量:

The array returned by Colour.values() always contains the same elements, but values() creates a new array every time it's called (so it's O(n) where n is the number of enum values). And you never modify that array. So calling the method every time you need it is a waste of time. And storing an array in every instance of your DataStructure class is a waste of time and memory. I would simply call the method once and cache that array in a constant:

private static final Colour[] COLOURS = colour.values();

public Colour getRandomColour() {
    return COLOURS[rand.nextInt(COLOURS.length)];


Just make sure this array is never exposed outside of the class.

还要注意 Random.nextInt(limit)的用法,它确实可以满足您的要求,可能更快,并且表示意向比使用模更清楚。

Also note the usage of Random.nextInt(limit) which does exactly what you want, is probably faster, and expressed the intent more clearly than using a modulo.


09-27 11:26