本文介绍了在 Twilio 中收听实时通话的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试创建一个交互式仪表板,该仪表板将显示活动的 Twilio 呼叫,并且能够监听正在进行的任何呼叫.

I am trying to create an interactive dashboard that will display active Twilio calls with the ability to listen in on any call in progress.

文档似乎将我指向了会议,但我不想将组织中的每个呼叫都作为会议发起,如果可能,我宁愿隐藏呼叫.这也必须是无缝的 - 通话各方不应仅仅因为有人在监听而经历任何延迟或暂停.

The documentation seems to point me at Conferences, but I don't want to have to initiate every call in my organization as a conference, and would rather covert the call if possible. This also has to be seamless - the parties to a call should not experience any delays or pauses just because someone is listening in.



一般来说,最好的做法是建立一个 从头开始​​,如果那是呼叫的方向.

Generally it is best practice to establish a <Conference> from the beginning if that's where the call is headed.

当您使用 将两个呼叫连接在一起时,它们处于父子关系中.您创建的第一个调用是父调用,由 创建的调用是子调用.您可以通过将子调用修改为不同的 URL 来拆分调用.

When you use <Dial> to join two calls together, they are in a parent-child relationship. The first call that you created is the parent, the call that is created by the <Dial action="foo.com"> is the child. You can split the calls by modifying the child call to a different URL.


If you just modify the parent, the child will hang up.

修改子进程会导致调用分裂,子进程会执行修改调用请求指定的TwiML.父调用发布到您的操作",然后将开始在foo.com"上执行 TwiML.我正在调查您的电话掉线并试图了解为什么会发生这种情况,您不应该因为将孩子从父母身边拉开而导致电话掉线,这是转换 <Dial> 调用 .

Modifying the child will cause the calls to split, the child will execute the TwiML specified by the modify call request. The parent call post to your "action" and will then begin to execute the TwiML at "foo.com". I'm looking into your calls that dropped and trying to understand why that happens, you should not get a call drop from pulling the child away from the parent, this is the correct way to convert a <Dial> call to a <Conference>.


这篇关于在 Twilio 中收听实时通话的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-26 14:54