

我在使用表格时遇到了重复线性渐变的问题。基本上,我不能让它看起来不错的表,特别是在Chrome。即使我将所述规则应用于 tr 元素,看起来像 td 元素继承它,而不是具有连续的条纹,我得到锯齿状不会继续跨越单元格边界)。

I'm having trouble with repeating-linear-gradient with tables. Basically, I can't make it look nice with tables, especially on Chrome. Even though I apply said rule to a tr element, it looks like td elements inherit it and instead of having a continuous stripes, I get 'jagged' ones (=stripes do not continue over cell borders).

.striped {
  background: repeating-linear-gradient(
    #FFFFFF 10px,
    #DDDDDD 10px,
    #DDDDDD 20px


Here's a Codepen illustrating the issue:


With Chrome, it looks really awful. With Firefox, almost good but not exactly (sometimes the stripes are of different width - off by one pixel - across cell boundaries).

EDIT :澄清,我需要定位一个特定的行,而不是整个表。

EDIT: to clarify, I need to target a specific row, not whole table. So yes, the point about styling a tr is actually relevant.


的已确认错误。考虑到它是第一次报告在2010年(当Gecko实际上有相同的错误),并目前标记为 WONTFIX 我不会抱着我的呼吸一个真正的修复。

This is a confirmed bug in Chrome. Given that it was first reported in 2010 (when Gecko actually had the same bug) and is currently marked WONTFIX I wouldn't hold my breath for a real fix. You could open a new bug, it might be 'doable' now.

解决方法:将表上的条纹,以免混淆渲染机制,则不是将行设置为条纹,而是对其他行设置 ,如下所示:

As a workaround: put the stripes on the table so as not to confuse the rendering mechanisms, then instead of styling the rows 'to be striped', unstyle the other rows, like this:

table.striped {
  background: repeating-linear-gradient(
        #FFFFFF 10px,
        #DDDDDD 10px,
        #DDDDDD 20px
tr:not(.striped) {
  background:white; /* or any color that would normally be behind the table */


This way it still works as if you're highlighting only the indicated row as you intend. If for some reason there is a non-opaque background behind the unstyled rows you're probably flat out of luck because of this bug.


Updated codepen. Works identically in IE, FF and Chrome without 'hickups'.


09-25 07:04