本文介绍了“开始调试”在VisualStudio 2005中永远使用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个大项目,有> 1000个文件。

它看起来像Visual Studio正在加载和卸载各种DLL,但它也只是坐在那里偶尔做什么。

从命令行运行只需要几秒钟。 / p>






  • 这可能是由复杂的依赖检查VS2005确保没有组件有更改,必须在调试之前重新构建。有时调整解决方案中的项目间依赖关系可以帮助。

  • 您是否在Visual Studio中使用源代码控制集成?如果是这样,有时访问网络上其他位置的源代码控制存储库可能会导致Visual Studio减慢这样。如果使用像ClearCase这样的源控制系统,您可以减少不必要的LAN通信(例如使用快照视图)。

  • 可执行文件(从外部Visual Studio)单独执行,然后使用VS2005来附加到过程可以更快。

  • 另一件要考虑的事情是你是否使用符号服务器可以访问Windows DLL的调试符号。如果是这样,VS2005有时可以尝试每次调试时访问符号服务器。解决方法是先加载符号,然后在工具 - >选项 - >调试 - >符号下取消选中符号服务器URL。


I have a large project that has > 1000 files.When I press the green 'Play' button to start debugging, once everything is built, it can take up to 5 minutes for the app to start running.

It looks like Visual Studio is loading and unloading various DLLs, but it also just sits there occasionally doing nothing.

Running from the command line takes only a few seconds.

What's going on? How can I speed it up?

[EDIT] It turned out to be our Symbol Server. The administrator had killed it without informing anyone. Doh.

Thanks for your help guys.


Some thoughts and suggestions:

  • It could be caused by complex dependency checking that VS2005 does to ensure that no components have changes and have to be re-built prior to debugging. Sometimes tweaking the inter-project dependencies in the solution can help.

  • Are you using source control integration in Visual Studio? If so, sometimes accessing the source control repository elsewhere on the network can cause Visual Studio to slow down like this. If using a source control system like ClearCase where you can reduce unnecessary LAN communication (e.g. using a snapshot view), consider doing this.

  • I also find that running the executable separately (from outside Visual Studio) and then using VS2005 to attach to the process can be much faster. This is predominantly the way I work, and I find it much less frustrating.

  • Another thing to consider is whether you are using a symbol server to access debug symbols for the Windows DLLs. If so, VS2005 can sometimes try to access the symbol server every time you debug. The way around this is to load the symbols once, and then uncheck the symbol server URL under Tools->Options->Debugging->Symbols. As long as the OS libraries haven't changed since you last downloaded the symbols, there's no reason to access the remote server every time.

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09-21 10:46