

根据,对于在29/12/2008周数是1,因为经过52周(即28的最后一天/ 12)有留在一年三个​​或更少天。有点不可思议,但OK,规则是规则。

According to the official (gregorian) calendar, the week number for 29/12/2008 is 1, because after the last day of week 52 (i.e. 28/12) there are three or less days left in the year. Kinda weird, but OK, rules are rules.


So according to this calendar, we have these boundary values for 2008/2009

  • 28/12为52星期

  • 29/12为1周

  • 1/1是本周1

  • 8/1为2周

  • 28/12 is week 52
  • 29/12 is week 1
  • 1/1 is week 1
  • 8/1 is week 2

C#提供的GregorianCalendar类,有功能 GetWeekOfYear(日期,规则,Firstdayofweek可)

C# offers a GregorianCalendar class, that has a function GetWeekOfYear(date, rule, firstDayOfWeek).

参数规则是3个可能的值的枚举: FirstDay,FirstFourWeekDay,FirstFullWeek 。从我明白我应该去为 FirstFourWeekDay 规则,但我想万一他们。

The parameter rule is an enumeration with 3 possible values: FirstDay, FirstFourWeekDay, FirstFullWeek. From what I've understood I should go for the FirstFourWeekDay rule, but I tried all of them just in case.


The last parameter informs which week day should be considered the first day of the week, according to that calendar it's Monday so Monday it is.


So I fired up a quick and dirty console app to test this:

using System;
using System.Globalization;

namespace CalendarTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var cal = new GregorianCalendar();
            var firstWeekDay = DayOfWeek.Monday;
            var twentyEighth = new DateTime(2008, 12, 28);
            var twentyNinth = new DateTime(2008, 12, 29);
            var firstJan = new DateTime(2009, 1, 1);
            var eightJan = new DateTime(2009, 1, 8);
            PrintWeekDays(cal, twentyEighth, firstWeekDay);
            PrintWeekDays(cal, twentyNinth, firstWeekDay);
            PrintWeekDays(cal, firstJan, firstWeekDay);
            PrintWeekDays(cal, eightJan, firstWeekDay);

        private static void PrintWeekDays(Calendar cal, DateTime dt, DayOfWeek firstWeekDay)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing for " + dt.ToShortDateString());
            Console.Write(CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay.ToString() + "\t\t");
            Console.WriteLine(cal.GetWeekOfYear(dt, CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, firstWeekDay));
            Console.Write(CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek.ToString() + "\t");
            Console.WriteLine(cal.GetWeekOfYear(dt, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, firstWeekDay));
            Console.Write(CalendarWeekRule.FirstFullWeek.ToString() + "\t\t");
            Console.WriteLine(cal.GetWeekOfYear(dt, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFullWeek, firstWeekDay));


... and this what I get

Testing for 28.12.2008
FirstDay                52
FirstFourDayWeek        52
FirstFullWeek           51
Testing for 29.12.2008
FirstDay                53
FirstFourDayWeek        53
FirstFullWeek           52
Testing for 01.01.2009
FirstDay                1
FirstFourDayWeek        1
FirstFullWeek           52
Testing for 08.01.2009
FirstDay                2
FirstFourDayWeek        2
FirstFullWeek           1


So as we see, none of the combinations above matches the official calendar (if you are in a hurry, just see that 29/12 never gets week #1).

我是什么让错在这里?也许有一些明显的,我很想念? (今天是星期五,晚工作时间在这里比利时,多多包涵;))

What am I getting wrong here? Maybe there's something glaring that I am missing? (it's Friday and late work hours here in Belgium, bear with me ;))


Maybe I should explain: what I need is a function that works for any year, returning the same results as the gregorian calendar I linked. So no special workarounds for 2008.



This article looks deeper into the issue and possible workarounds. The hub of the matter is that the .NET calendar implementation does not seem to faithfully implement the ISO standard


09-21 10:01