

Portfolio.optim {tseries}的文档说,solve.QP {quadprog}用于生成用于找到使Sharpe比率最大化的相切组合的解决方案.这意味着结果与任何一个函数都应该相同.我可能会忽略一些东西,但是在这个简单的示例中,我得到了相似但不完全相同的解决方案,它们使用Portfolio.optim和Solve.QP估算最佳投资组合权重.结果不应该一样吗?如果是这样,我在哪里出错?这是代码:

The documentation for portfolio.optim {tseries} says that solve.QP {quadprog} is used to generate the solution for finding the tangency portfolio that maximizes the Sharpe ratio. That implies that results should be identical with either function. I'm probably overlooking something, but in this simple example I get similar but not identical solutions for estimating optimal portfolio weights with portfolio.optim and solve.QP. Shouldn't the results be identical? If so, where am I going wrong? Here's the code:


# 1. Generate solution with solve.QP via: comisef.wikidot.com/tutorial:tangencyportfolio

# create artifical data
nO     <- 100     # number of observations
nA     <- 10      # number of assets
mData  <- array(rnorm(nO * nA, mean = 0.001, sd = 0.01), dim = c(nO, nA))
rf     <- 0.0001     # riskfree rate (2.5% pa)
mu     <- apply(mData, 2, mean)    # means
mu2    <- mu - rf                  # excess means

# qp
aMat  <- as.matrix(mu2)
bVec  <- 1
zeros <- array(0, dim = c(nA,1))
solQP <- solve.QP(cov(mData), zeros, aMat, bVec, meq = 1)

# rescale variables to obtain weights
w <- as.matrix(solQP$solution/sum(solQP$solution))

# 2. Generate solution with portfolio.optim (using artificial data from above)
port.1 <-portfolio.optim(mData,riskless=rf)
port.1.w <-port.1$pw
port.1.w <-matrix(port.1.w)

# 3. Compare portfolio weights from the two methodologies:

compare <-cbind(w,port.1$pw)


             [,1]        [,2]
 [1,]  0.337932967 0.181547633
 [2,]  0.073836572 0.055100415
 [3,]  0.160612441 0.095800361
 [4,]  0.164491490 0.102811562
 [5,]  0.005034532 0.003214622
 [6,]  0.147473396 0.088792283
 [7,] -0.122882875 0.000000000
 [8,]  0.127924865 0.067705050
 [9,]  0.026626940 0.012507530
[10,]  0.078949672 0.054834759



The one and the only way to deal with such situations is to browse the source. In your case, it is accessible via tseries:::portfolio.optim.default.


Now, to find the difference between those two calls, we may narrow down the issue by defining an equivalent helper function:

foo <- function(x, pm = mean(x), covmat = cov(x), riskless = FALSE, rf = 0) 
  x <- mData
  pm <- mean(x)
  covmat <- cov(x)
  k <- dim(x)[2]
  Dmat <- covmat
  dvec <- rep.int(0, k)
  a1 <- colMeans(x) - rf
  a2 <- matrix(0, k, k)
  diag(a2) <- 1
  b2 <- rep.int(0, k)
  Amat <- t(rbind(a1, a2))
  b0 <- c(pm - rf, b2)
  solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec = b0, meq = 1)$sol

identical(portfolio.optim(mData, riskless=TRUE, rf=rf)$pw,
          foo(mData, riskless=TRUE, rf=rf))
#[1] TRUE

这样,您可以看到1)riskless=rf不是预期的方式,riskless=TRUE, rf=rf是正确的方式; 2)Amat和bvec有一些区别.

With that, you can see that 1) riskless=rf is not the intended way, riskless=TRUE, rf=rf is the correct one; 2) there are several differences in Amat and bvec.


I am not an expert in portfolio optimization, so I do not know what's the explanation behind these additional constraints and if they should be there in the first place, but at least you can see what exactly causes the difference.


09-21 01:00