


I have to create a report on some student completions. The students each belong to one client. Here are the tables (simplified for this question).

CREATE TABLE  `clients` (
  `clientId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `clientName` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `courseNames` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''


The courseNames field holds a comma-delimited string of course names, eg "AB01,AB02,AB03"

CREATE TABLE  `clientenrols` (
  `clientEnrolId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `studentId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `courseId` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'

此处的courseId字段是 clients.courseNames字段中课程名称的索引.因此,如果客户的courseNames是"AB01,AB02,AB03",而注册的courseId2,则该学生在AB03.

The courseId field here is the index of the course name in the clients.courseNames field. So, if the client's courseNames are "AB01,AB02,AB03", and the courseId of the enrolment is 2, then the student is in AB03.


Is there a way that I can do a single select on these tables that includes the course name? Keep in mind that there will be students from different clients (and hence have different course names, not all of which are sequential,eg: "NW01,NW03")


Basically, if I could split that field and return a single element from the resulting array, that would be what I'm looking for. Here's what I mean in magical pseudocode:

SELECT e.`studentId`, SPLIT(",", c.`courseNames`)[e.`courseId`]
FROM ...



Until now, I wanted to keep those comma separated lists in my SQL db - well aware of all warnings!


I kept thinking that they have benefits over lookup tables (which provide a way to a normalized data base). After some days of refusing, I've seen the light:

  • 在一个字段中使用逗号分隔的值时,使用查找表不会比丑陋的字符串操作引起更多的代码.
  • 查找表允许使用本机数字格式,因此不能大于这些csv字段.不过是SMALLER.
  • 所涉及的字符串操作在高级语言代码(SQL和PHP)中比较薄,但是与使用整数数组相比,代价昂贵.
  • 数据库并不是人类可读的,并且像我一样,试图坚持使用结构是愚蠢的,因为它们具有可读性/直接可编辑性.


In short, there is a reason why there is no native SPLIT() function in MySQL.


09-18 09:29