


In order to filter a color out of an image, it's necessary to set boundaries as to which color needs to be detected. I have a feeling this is mostly a trial-and-error process. Are there any ways to quickly find the correct thresholds for a particular color? In this specific case I'm trying to detect the gray area of the graph in the picture below. This without detecting the dotted lines of course. For this example I need very specific boundaries. The question is, how can I find them easily?

hsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

lower = np.array([0, 0, 0], np.uint8)
upper = np.array([180, 255, 200], np.uint8)

mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper)


另一种选择是使用在线图像颜色选择器.您可以上传图片,并获得一些值,例如 HSV:97.5°5.1%61.57%.注意,您需要将它们转换为H,S和V的OpenCV比例尺.

Another option is to use online image color picker. You can upload your image and will get some values like HSV: 97.5° 5.1% 61.57% in your case. Note, you need to convert them to OpenCV scales of H, S and V.

H,OpenCV中的色相在0到180之间变化,但是在外部世界中,色度通常以0到360度为单位进行测量,因此要获得颜色的H值 h = 97.5°/2 = 48.7

H, hue in OpenCV varies from 0 to 180, but in the outer world it is usually measured in degrees from 0 to 360, so to get the H of your color h = 97.5° / 2 = 48.7

S和V的测量范围是 0(在外部世界= 0%) 255(在外部世界= 100%),所以

S and V are measured from 0 ( = 0% in outer world) to 255 ( = 100% in outer world), so

s = 255 * 5.1% = 13
v = 255 * 61.57% = 157


So, the target HSV color is (49, 13, 157). I suggest using ±10 for the range. Or being even more strict. I think it might be OK for your case to select only the pixels of the central graph, without any labels, and then apply morphological operation close, if needed.


09-18 00:16