本文介绍了使用英特尔PIN在寻址模式下使用特定寄存器检测mov dword ptr [rbp-...]指令的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想使用Intel PIN(主要是为了获取阵列写入信息)检测到mov dword ptr [rbp-0x28], 0x7之类的指令(因此,所有mov dword ptr [rbp-0xxx], xxx格式的指令).在未优化的代码中,这应该使大多数存储都存储到局部变量中.

I want to detect the instructions like mov dword ptr [rbp-0x28], 0x7 (so, all the instructions in mov dword ptr [rbp-0xxx], xxx format) using Intel PIN (mainly to get array writes information). In un-optimized code, this should get most stores to local variables.


if (INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_MOV)
   instruction detection;

检测mov指令.但是,与此同时,它还会检测其他指令,例如mov eax, 0x0.我想用dword ptr size指令检测指令.

to detect the mov instruction. But, along with that it also detects other instruction such as mov eax, 0x0. I want to detect the instructions with dword ptr size directive.

我检查了引脚说明检查 API 并固定 xed-iclass-enum .使用该文档,我尝试过类似的操作:

I checked the pin instruction inspection API and pin xed-iclass-enum. Using that documentation I tried something like:

if ((INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_MOV) && INS_OperandIsMemory(ins, 0))
    instruction detection;

这给了我想要的结果.但同时也给了我类似mov esi, eax的说明(我不希望这样).

which gives me the desired result. But also gives me the instructions like mov esi, eax (which I don't desire).


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "pin.H"
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
// Additional library calls go here

// Stack allocation

struct Node
    int value;

std::stack<Node> mainStack;

// Ins object mapping

class Insr
    INS insobject;

    Insr(INS insob)
        insobject = insob;
    INS get_insobject()
        return insobject;

static std::unordered_map<ADDRINT, Insr*> insstack;

// Output file object
ofstream OutFile;

//static uint64_t counter = 0;

std::string rtin = "";
// Make this lock if you want to print from _start
uint32_t key = 0;

void printmaindisas(uint64_t addr, std::string disassins)
    std::stringstream tempstream;
    tempstream << std::hex << addr;
    std::string address = tempstream.str();
    // if (addr > 0x700000000000)
    //  return;
    if (addr > 0x700000000000)
    if (!key)
    // if (insstack[addr]->get_opcode() == XED_ICLASS_ADD || insstack[addr]->get_opcode()
    //      == XED_ICLASS_SUB)
    INS ins = insstack[addr]->get_insobject();
    if((INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_ADD || INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_SUB)
            &&(INS_OperandIsImmediate(ins, 1)))
      int value = INS_OperandImmediate(ins, 1);
        std::cout << "value: " << value << '\n';
        Node node{value};
        std::cout << "stack top: " << mainStack.top().value << '\n';
    if ((INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_MOV) && INS_OperandIsMemory(ins, 0))
            std::cout << "yes!" << '\n';


void mutex_lock()
key = 0;
void mutex_unlock()
    key = 1;

void Instruction(INS ins, VOID *v)

    insstack.insert(std::make_pair(INS_Address(ins), new Insr(ins)));
    INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)printmaindisas, IARG_ADDRINT, INS_Address(ins),
    IARG_PTR, new string(INS_Disassemble(ins)), IARG_END);

void Routine(RTN rtn, VOID *V)
    if (RTN_Name(rtn) == "main")
        //std::cout<<"Loading: "<<RTN_Name(rtn) << endl;
        RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)mutex_unlock, IARG_END);
        RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_AFTER, (AFUNPTR)mutex_lock, IARG_END);

KNOB<string> KnobOutputFile(KNOB_MODE_WRITEONCE, "pintool", "o", "mytool.out", "specify output file name");
VOID Fini(INT32 code, VOID *v)
    // Write to a file since cout and cerr maybe closed by the application
    OutFile << "Count " << count << endl;

int32_t Usage()
  cerr << "This is my custom tool" << endl;
  cerr << endl << KNOB_BASE::StringKnobSummary() << endl;
  return -1;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  // It must be called for image instrumentation
  // Initialize the symbol table
  // Initialize pin
    // PIN_Init must be called before PIN_StartProgram
    // as mentioned in the documentation
  if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();

  // Open the output file to write

  // Set instruction format as intel
    // Not needed because my machine is intel

  RTN_AddInstrumentFunction(Routine, 0);

  // Add an isntruction instrumentation
  INS_AddInstrumentFunction(Instruction, 0);

  //PIN_AddFiniFunction(Fini, 0);

  // Start the program here

  return 0;



40051e  push rbp
value: -128
stack top: -128
40051f  mov rbp, rsp
400522  add rsp, 0xffffffffffffff80
400526  mov dword ptr [rbp-0x28], 0x7
40052d  mov dword ptr [rbp-0x64], 0x9
400534  mov eax, 0x0
400539  call 0x4004e6
4004e6  push rbp
value: 64
stack top: 64
4004e7  mov rbp, rsp
4004ea  sub rsp, 0x40
4004ee  mov dword ptr [rbp-0xc], 0x4
4004f5  lea rax, ptr [rbp-0xc]
4004f9  mov qword ptr [rbp-0x8], rax
4004fd  mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x8]
400501  mov eax, dword ptr [rax]
400503  mov esi, eax
400505  mov edi, 0x4005d0
40050a  mov eax, 0x0
40050f  call 0x4003f0
4003f0  jmp qword ptr [rip+0x200c22]
4003f6  push 0x0
4003fb  jmp 0x4003e0
4003e0  push qword ptr [rip+0x200c22]
4003e6  jmp qword ptr [rip+0x200c24]
400514  mov dword ptr [rbp-0x3c], 0x3
40051b  nop
40051c  leave 
40051d  ret 
40053e  mov eax, 0x0
400543  leave 


Is this the correct way to do that (without any false positives)?



If you want to accept all of the following instructions:

mov [rbp + disp], reg/imm
mov [rbp*scale + disp], reg/imm
mov [reg + rbp*scale], reg/imm
mov [rbp + reg*scale + disp], reg/imm


then you need to perform the following checks:

if (INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_MOV &&              // Check that the instruction is MOV.
    INS_OperandIsMemory(ins, 0) &&                    // Check that the destination operand is a memory operand.
    INS_OperandWidth(ins, 0) == 32 &&                 // Check that the size of the operand is 32 bits.
    (INS_OperandMemoryBaseReg(ins, 0) == REG_EBP || 
     INS_OperandMemoryIndexReg(ins, 0) == REG_EBP))  // Check that the base or index register is RBP.


Note that these checks accept both MOV instructions with displacement (including a displacement of zero) and MOV instructions without displacement (which is semantically equivalent to a displacement of zero but the encoding is different).


I assumed that you want to accept RBP both as a base register or as an index register (potentially with a scale larger than 1). Note that in case RBP is used as a base register, the encoding of the instruction will always include a displacement. See: Why are rbp and rsp called general purpose registers?.


If you want to accept all of the following instructions where RBP is used as the base register:

mov [rbp + disp], reg/imm
mov [rbp + reg*scale + disp], reg/imm


then you need to perform the following checks:

if (INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_MOV &&              // Check that the instruction is MOV.
    INS_OperandIsMemory(ins, 0) &&                    // Check that the destination operand is a memory operand.
    INS_OperandWidth(ins, 0) == 32 &&                 // Check that the size of the operand is 32 bits.
    INS_OperandMemoryBaseReg(ins, 0) == REG_EBP)      // Check that the base is RBP.


If you want to accept only the following instruction:

mov [rbp + disp], reg/imm


then you need to perform the following checks:

if (INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_MOV &&                 // Check that the instruction is MOV.
    INS_OperandIsMemory(ins, 0) &&                       // Check that the destination operand is a memory operand.
    INS_OperandWidth(ins, 0) == 32 &&                    // Check that the size of the operand is 32 bits.
    INS_OperandMemoryBaseReg(ins, 0) == REG_EBP &&       // Check that the base is RBP.
    INS_OperandMemoryIndexReg(ins, 0) == REG_INVALID())  // Check that there is no index register.


If you want to check whether the displacement is a negative number, use the following check:

INS_OperandMemoryDisplacement(ins, 0) < 0

请注意,INS_OperandMemoryDisplacement不能区分没有位移的存储操作数和位移为零的存储操作数.如果没有位移,则仅返回零.如果要确定指令编码是否实际上包含位移字段,则应改用XED API.

Note that INS_OperandMemoryDisplacement does not distinguish between a memory operand that has no displacement and one that has a displacement of zero. If there is no displacement, it just returns zero. If you want to determine whether the instruction encoding actually includes a displacement field, then you should use the XED API instead.

这篇关于使用英特尔PIN在寻址模式下使用特定寄存器检测mov dword ptr [rbp-...]指令的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-16 06:40