本文介绍了EC2 Auto Scaling 组的实例刷新低于健康阈值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 ASG,所需/最小/最大为 1/1/5 个实例(我希望 ASG 仅用于滚动部署和区域故障转移).当我使用 MinHealthyPercentage=100,InstanceWarmup=180 启动实例刷新时,该过程从注销开始(实例几乎立即在我的 ALB 上进入排空模式,而不是等待 180 秒预热,直到新实例正常运行)并且应用程序变为暂时无法使用.请注意,这不仅仅针对我的一个实例.如果我有两个实例,该过程也会从注销其中一个实例开始,这也不能满足 100% MinHealthy 约束(尽管该应用程序将保持可用)!是否有任何其他配置选项我应该调整以使滚动更新首先创建并预热新实例?

I have an ASG with desired/min/max of 1/1/5 instances (I want ASG just for rolling deploys and zone failover). When I start the Instance refresh with MinHealthyPercentage=100,InstanceWarmup=180, the process starts by deregistration (the instance goes to draining mode almost immediately on my ALB, instead waiting the 180 Warmup seconds until the new instance is healthy) and the application becomes unavailable for a while.Note that this is not specific just to my case with one instance. If I had two instances, the process also starts by deregistering one of the instances and that does not fulfill the 100% MinHealthy constraint either (the app will stay available, though)!Is there any other configuration option I should tune to get the rolling update create and warm up the new instance first?


Currently 实例刷新总是在启动前终止,并且它使用 minHealthyPercent 来确定批量大小以及何时可以移动到下一个回来了.

Currently instance refresh always terminates before launching, and it uses the minHealthyPercent to determine batch size and when it can move on to the next back.

在实例刷新期间,Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling 使一组实例停止服务,终止它们,然后启动一组实例"- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/ec2/userguide/asg-instance-refresh.html

"During an instance refresh, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling takes a set of instances out of service, terminates them, and then launches a set of instances" - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/ec2/userguide/asg-instance-refresh.html

这篇关于EC2 Auto Scaling 组的实例刷新低于健康阈值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-16 02:52