I have use this to generate this code:
mobile_device_detect(true,false,true,true, true,true,true,'http://m.mydomain.com',false);
But the only directions are to "copy and paste this code". Um.. copy and paste where? Do I need to create a new php file? Is this index.php
? What if I already have an index.html
I understand that I put mobile_device_detect.php
in the root of mydomain.com
. My question is where to put the above php code.
Copy and paste this at the beginning of your PHP based pages that you want to detect the visitors for their device. If your server parses HTML files as PHP which I doubt then add this in your HTML files as well. If you're just building the website then yes you need this in files which are parsed by the PHP engine for example: ".php".If you paste this in page that is HTML and not parsed by the server you'll see this same code as output which will do nothing. In order to have it working you need it in PHP files.If your script is well written and well structured you may need to include it in only one place. It all depends how your website is structured.
------ UPDATE ------
为什么不应该使用此类?它有一个特殊的许可证,它不是绝对免费的.相反,您可以使用以下简单类: https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect
Why you shouldn't be using this class? It have a special license which is not absolutely free.Instead you can use this simple class: https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect
- 下载 Mobile_Detect.php
- Download Mobile_Detect.php
Include the file at the top in your PHP page where you want the device to be checked:
// Include the mobile device detect class
include 'Mobile_Detect.php';
// Init the class
$detect = new Mobile_Detect();
// And here is the magic - checking if the user comes with a mobile device
if ($detect->isMobile()) {
// Detects any mobile device.
// Redirecting
header("Location: http://your_redirected_url.com"); exit;
Creating rewrite rules for using html extension.If you still want to use '.html' as extension just create rewrite rule that will rewrite your .php as .html. Or otherwise said create your_page_name.php and add the PHP code there. Create .htaccess file in the same DIR and add the following lines:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^your_page_name.html/?$ your_page_name.php [L]
保存,关闭!现在,您应该可以使用带有.html扩展名的php页面了.要立即访问您的页面,只需键入: http://yourdomain.com/your_page_name.html 就那么简单!建议:如果我是我,则将重写规则添加到Web服务器的配置文件中.它将更快,更安全.但这是另一堂课.如果您决定使用此方法,则只需搜索堆栈.
Save, close! Now you should be able to use your php page with .html extension. To access your page now just type: http://yourdomain.com/your_page_name.htmlSimple as that!Suggestion: If I was you I'd add the rewrite rules in the web server's config file. It will be faster and more secure. But that's another lesson. If you decide to use this method just search the Stack.