

我已经知道如何使用 include require 甚至 require_once 。我一直练习的是:

I already know how to use include, require and even require_once. What I have always practiced is this:

例如包括'sample.php'; require_once'classes / DB.php';

但在某些方面我常常在一些论坛和教程中看到,甚至在这里他们正在使用它 - include('sample.php'); require_once('classes / DB.php');

But in some ways I often see in some forums and tutorials and even here that they are using it like this - include ('sample.php'); and require_once ('classes/DB.php');.

我知道任何一个都可行,但我只是想知道你推荐什么可能是一个好习惯? XD,如果已经在这里询问过,请告诉我链接,因为我找不到它。

I know that any of this will work, but I just want to know what would you recommend maybe as a good practice? XD and if it's already been asked here please show me the link because I can't find it.


包括'sample.php'; require_once'classes / DB.php'; 是首选方式。


1。 require / include 不是一个函数,它们的语言构造与 echo 相同。 致谢: @Rahil评论。

1. require/include not a function they are language construct same as echo. Credits: @Rahil comment.

2。此外,它还可以节省按两次击键的时间& 对于像我们这样的懒惰的开发者:p

2. Also it will save time of pressing two keystroke ( & ) for a lazy developers like us :p


05-29 06:59