有没有人知道将干净的矢量渲染成php图像然后将其作为jpeg / png提供的最佳方法?
Does anyone know of the best way to render clean vectors into a php image and then serve it as a jpeg/png?
Specifically I want to draw lines, polygons and splines which are anti-aliased and then serve them up as jpegs. Preferably also with an alpha option when rendering.
具有与Raphael类似的API(没有动画)的php库是多么壮观 - 不仅因为Raphael有一个伟大的API,但也因为我已经在我的网站上使用它的动态位,但也需要并行烘焙jpeg的静态消费。
What would be spectacular is a php library with a similar API to Raphael (without the animation) - not only because Raphael has a great API but also because I'm already using it on my website for the dynamic bits but also need to bake jpeg's in parallel for static consumption.
Imagemagick is available for PHP. See the IMagickDraw class (http://php.net/imagick). Btw, AFAIK, there is no alpha option in JPEG, only RGB colors.