

我试图找出在那里我可以在一些PHP code降至通知我们使用(Solve360结合),一个新的订单已放置在一个CRM和一个事件应创建(API)来履行订单。

I'm trying to figure out where I could drop in some PHP code to notify a CRM we are using (Solve360) that a new order has been placed, and that an event should be created (API) to fulfill the order.

  1. 订购产品

  2. 结帐

  3. 完整Checkout的放大器;捕获CC

  4. 侧通知CRM

  5. 完成

不知道从哪里开始,但我不得不做出一些小的调整来解决量子网关支付处理工作。在该模块似乎为订单(电子邮件,AMT,细节)的对象是可用的。不过现在看来,这将是相当脏在里面插入更多的PHP code。

Not sure where to start, but I have had to make some small tweaks to fix the Quantum Gateway payment processor to work. In that module it appears that the objects for the order (email, amt, details) were available. However it seems it would be quite 'dirty' to insert more PHP code in there.


PHP 5.2.x和放大器; Magento的1.4.x的

PHP 5.2.x & Magento 1.4.x



What you should do is hook into the Magento event that is fired for a newly placed order and define your own class with the functionality you are looking for. See Customize Magento using Event/Observer for how to set up observers (you'll need to create your own module for this).

您想监听的事件是 sales_order_place_after ,当你宣布一个观测它,任何顺序放置后,您的code将被调用。

The event you want to listen for is sales_order_place_after, and when you declare an observer for it, your code will be called after any order is placed.



