

我使用Hibernate 3.6,直到今天我都找不到使用它的任何缺点。但是今天有人告诉我,使用Hibernate的应用程序在项目变大时会遇到内存问题。发生这种情况的原因是,与不使用hibernate的应用程序相比,需要创建和存储大量对象(hibernate-pojo-objects)。


谢谢: - )



  • 远程访问和分发功能很少或没有。

  • 映射模式可能非常乏味,而O / R映射的技巧就像使用延迟初始化,急切加载等一样。 b
  • 有限的群集功能。

  • 大型数据集仍可能导致内存问题。

  • 仅支持数据库级别的安全性,不支持基于角色的安全性,且不添加任何API,例如面向方面编程等。 b
    $ b


    Im working with Hibernate 3.6 and until today I couldnt find any disadvantages of using it. But today someone told me that applications using Hibernate will get memory problems when the project gets bigger. This would happen because there would be a lot of objects (hibernate-pojo-objects) which will need to be created and stored, compared to a application which doesnt use hibernate.

    is that correct? and are there any more disadvantages of using hibernate? some also told me that working with the objects becomes confusing when the database is really big because of all the dependencies between the objects, but I cant really imagine it. has anybody some experiences with this?

    thanks :-)


    Some of them are :

    • Little or no capabilities for remote access and distributability.
    • Mapping schemas can be tedious and O/R mapping has its tricks like using lazy initialization, eager loading etc. What works for one may not work for another.
    • Limited clustering capabilities.
    • Large data sets can still cause memory issues.
    • Support for security at a database level only and no support for role based security without any add on APIs like Aspect Oriented Programming etc.

    Some other people also think that there are disadvantages for Hibernate.


05-27 04:51