不包含有关 google 帐户上存在的双因素身份验证的信息.我可以获得布尔值或其他值吗?
not contains info about exist two-factor auth on google account.Can I get boolean or another value about it?
抱歉,我们不会通过 API 公开用户是否具有 2 因素身份验证.我们已经考虑了一段时间.
Sorry we don't expose If a user has 2 factor auth or not) through API. We have been thinking about this for a while.
We have been doing a lot of things to improve the security for all users (including the ones who have not enabled 2nd factor). This is based on the risk signals and we ask for second factor if the user has a phone # on their account even without a user enabling "strict" 2nd factor. This allows us to protect all users. The difference being in one case 2nd factor is required in all sign-in vs required when we think there is risk.
问题是,如果我们确实公开用户是否启用了严格的 2 因素,很多 3rd 方会强迫"用户成为严格"的 2 因素用户,而不理解这意味着什么.所以现在我们没有时间表.
The problem is that if we do expose whether a user has enabled strict 2nd factor, a lot of 3rd parties will "force" users to become a "strict" 2 factor users without understanding what that means. So for now we don't have a timeline.
这篇关于谷歌 OAuth2 API.检查用户有两个因素身份验证(不是 GSuite)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!