


Is there a feature or backend extension or that can filter list records? Right now, you can only check a single user record or sort by usergroup. I am looking for a module where I can choose the usergroup and get a list of all assigned users (FE users) in the backend. Or a standard feature I haven't discovered yet.


Maybe similar to filtering news articles in tt_news by category.If it doesn't exist, I will have to code it myself.


不在列表"模块中,但是您可以通过设置 action 来实现.它只能由管理员设置,但可以由您允许的任何后端用户使用.

Not in the List module but you can do this by setting an action. It can be set only by an admin but can be used by any backend user that you allow.

  1. 在扩展管理器中,检查是否已安装任务中心 sys_action 扩展.两者都是默认情况下TYPO3附带的系统扩展,因此您不必下载它们.

  1. In the Extension manager check that you have taskcenter and sys_action extensions installed. Both are system extensions that come with TYPO3 by default so you don't have to download them.

转到根页面(id = 0)并创建新记录操作.将操作的类型设置为 SQL查询,并分配允许使用此操作的后端用户组.

Go to the root page (id=0) and create a new record Action. Set the type of the action to SQL query and assign a backend group of users that will be allowed to use this action.


Go to the DB check module (under Admin tools) and select Full search and then Advanced query.

进行查询部分中,将数据库表设置为网站用户,并将查询设置为 [组] [在列表中] [用户组] .设置其他查询参数,例如列出的用户数限制和列出的顺序.

In the Make query part, set database table to Website User and query to [Group] [is in list] [usergroup]. Set other query parameters like limit of users listed and order of listing.


In the Load query part, select the action that you have created in the step 2. Click Save.


After backend reload, the backend users you selected in step 2 will have an action available in the top bar (see the icon next to the Clear cache icon). Upon clicking, the SQL query will be executed and the frontend users listed in the Task center module. If nothing shows up, make sure that you have selected Tasks instead of Overview in the Task center.


05-28 09:38