

来自的句子的确切含义是什么? oracle java tutorial:

What does exactly mean this sentence from this oracle java tutorial:

使用系统相关 它们只是意味着如果一个元素包含一个根,它只能用于已编写的平台特定语法吗?

With "system dipendent" do they mean only that if an element contains a root it will work only in the platform specific syntax that has been written?I guess it is the only thing they mean.Are there any other ways of reading that?


public class AnotherOnePathTheDust {
    public static void main (String []args)
    Path p1 = Paths.get("home");
    Path p3 = Paths.get("home/sally/bar"); //with "/home/sally/bar" i would get an exception.
    // Result is sally/bar
    Path p1_to_p3 = p1.relativize(p3);
    // Result is ../..

    Path p3_to_p1 = p3.relativize(p1);
    System.out.println(p3_to_p1);   }

使用/ home / sally / bar获得的例外情况而不是home / sally / bar(没有root)是这一个:

The exception that I get by using "/home/sally/bar" instead of "home/sally/bar" (without root) is this one:

 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'other' is different type of Path


Why does it not work? what is the conflict with the system that they mean?


因为 p1 p3 有不同的根。

如果使用/ home / sally / bar而不是 home / sally / barfor p3 ,然后 p3.getRoot()将返回 / p1.getRoot()为空。

If you use use "/home/sally/bar" instead of "home/sally/bar" for p3, then p3.getRoot() will return / but p1.getRoot() is null.

你会明白为什么你阅读以下代码后得到此异常(来自 Line374-375):

You'll know why you got this exception after you read following codes (comes from http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/6863864/webrev.00/src/windows/classes/sun/nio/fs/WindowsPath.java-.html Line374-375):

// can only relativize paths of the same type
if (this.type != other.type)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("'other' is different type of Path");


07-19 00:33