我在Eclipse中创建了一个Java Web项目,并且效果很好(与jsp,servlet和Java类一起使用).现在,我正在尝试使其变得生动.我决定将其托管在提供自己文件结构的Openshift上.我已经尝试过将文件复制过来,并且大多数情况下都可以使用.
I made a java web project in Eclipse and it works great (with jsp, servlets, and java classes). Now I'm trying to make it live. I decided to host it on Openshift which provides its own file structure. I've tried copying my files over and it works for the most part.
The problem is my import tags don't seem to work and it doesn't find my classes (such as databaseInteractor which fetches information from my database to be displayed). This might be a path issue but I'm not sure.
This is what I had in Eclipse that was working:
<%@ page import ="java.util.ArrayList" %>
<%@ page import ="databaseInteractor.DatabaseInteractor" %>
<%@ page import ="databeseInteractor.House" %>
In Eclipse I had both my classes House.java and DatabaseInteractor.java in the databaseInteractor package. But in OpenShift I don't understand what is the equivalent of a package.
I've tried various iterations of the path and errors I've gotten were:
仅可以导入类型. MyClasses.DatabaseInteractor解析为包\(MyClasses是我在OpenShift中创建的文件夹)
Only a type can be imported. MyClasses.DatabaseInteractor resolves to a package\(where MyClasses was a folder I made in OpenShift)
DatabaseInteractor cannot be resolved to a type
As you can see below, I've copied DatabseInteractor everywhere for purposes of debugging. What would you suggest I try in my import tags?
好吧,在进一步研究了您的问题之后,还有很多问题在发生. OpenShift上的软件包的工作方式与Java在其他任何地方使用的软件包完全相同.如果您的项目在本地运行,我很惊讶,这一定是由于具有类路径的Eclipse魔术所致.
Ok, after looking at your question more, there are lots of issues going on. Packages on OpenShift work exactly like packages do in Java anywhere else. If your project is working locally, i am surprised, it must be due to some Eclipse magic with class paths.
1.) All .java files should be in your src/main/java directory, that way they get compiled into classes etc (assuming this is a maven based project structure, which it looks like it is).
2.) Any java class that is in a package should be INSIDE of a folder that is named the same as the package, for instance, databaseInteractor.DatabaseInteractor
should be in the location /src/main/java/databaseInteractor/DatabaseInteractor.java
, the same with any other class that is part of a package.
3.)<%@ page import ="databeseInteractor.House" %>
3.) <%@ page import ="databeseInteractor.House" %>
, database is spelled incorrectly, which may be causing some issues.
4.)另外,在那很难说,但是您的web.xml文件应位于WEB-INF文件夹内,而不应位于该"package"文件夹内.我建议您研究如何在Java中使用程序包,并花一些时间研究使用Maven结构的Java Web项目.
4.) Also, it's hard to tell on there, but your web.xml file should be inside of the WEB-INF folder, but not inside of that "package" folder.I would suggest that you research how to use packages in Java, and also spend some time researching java web projects that use a Maven structure.