本文介绍了Java 8:“UseSplitVerifier”的等价物是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在Mac 10.9.5上使用Maven 3.2.3并将其用于我的编译器插件...

I'm using Maven 3.2.3 on Mac 10.9.5 and have this for my compiler plugin ...

                                                    <!-- <compilerId>eclipse</compilerId>-->


I have this for my surefire-plugin configuration ...

                                    <argLine>-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:-UseSplitVerifier ${argLine}</argLine>

然而,在运行mvn clean install时,我收到此警告......

However, upon running "mvn clean install" I get this warning ...

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option UseSplitVerifier; support was removed in 8.0

Java 8相当于UseSplitVerifier是什么?

What is the Java 8 equivalent of "UseSplitVerifier"?


没有等价物。请注意,配置中的选项是 -UseSplitVerifier (请注意前置减号),因此选项 not 使用SplitVerifier但从Java 8开始,SplitVerifier是强制性的。

There is no equivalent. Note that the option in your configuration is -UseSplitVerifier (note the prepended minus) so the option says not to use the SplitVerifier but starting with Java 8, the SplitVerifier is mandatory.

SplitVerifier是随Java 6引入的,当时是可选的,并且成为Java 7的默认设置。但是对于Java 7,选项是仍然支持,所以如果字节码处理工具不兼容,它可能会被关闭。

The SplitVerifier was introduced with Java 6, being optional at that time and became the default with Java 7. But with Java 7, the option was still supported, so it could get turned off in case a bytecode processing tool was incompatible.

这是为了提供一个宽限期,这些工具可以更新为与相关的 StackMapFrame 字节码属性兼容。宽限期现已结束。

This was meant to provide a grace period in which these tools can get updated to be compatible with the related StackMapFrame bytecode attribute. That grace period is now over.


If the only thing you encounter is that warning, in other words, you experience no compatibility problems, you can just remove that option. Otherwise, you have to update the problematic tools/libraries.

这篇关于Java 8:“UseSplitVerifier”的等价物是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 00:21