我使用spring + hibernate。我所有的HibernateDAO都直接使用sessionFactory。
我有应用层 - >服务层 - > DAO层,并且所有集合都被加载。 b $ b
所以,问题是,在应用程序层(包含GUI / swing)的某个时候,我使用服务层方法(包含@Transactional注释)加载实体,我想使用这个lazly属性对象,但很明显会议已经关闭。
public @interface SessionRequired {
// AroundAdvice截获方法调用
public class SessionInterceptor im plements MethodInterceptor {
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi)throws Throwable {
bool sessionRequired = mi.getMethod()。isAnnotationPresent(SessionRequired.class);
// begin transaction here
Object ret = mi.proceed();
// commit transaction here
return ret;
public class Customer实现Serializable {
列表< Order>命令; //这是一个懒惰的集合
public List< Order> getOrders(){
public void foo(){
Customer customer = customerService.getCustomer(1);
List< Order>订单= customer.getOrders();
3.5 / reference / en / html / performance.html#performance-fetching-profilesrel =nofollow> http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.5/reference/en/html/performance.html# performance-fetching-profiles编辑(添加了如何使用拦截器设置抓取配置文件的部分):
有很多方法可以设置拦截器Spring(根据偏好),但最直接的方法是实现一个MethodInterceptor(参见)。让它有一个你需要的获取配置文件的setter和Hibernate Session工厂的setter:
public $ FetchProfileInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private String fetchProfile;
$ b $ ... setters ...
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation)throws Throwable {
Session s = sessionFactory.openSession(); //事务拦截器已经打开会话,所以它返回它。
return invocation.proceed();
} finally {
$ b $ / code>
如果您是AOP的新手,我建议先尝试使用旧ProxyFactory方式(http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/ 3.0.x / spring-framework-reference / html / aop-api.html#aop-api-proxying-intf),因为它更容易理解它是如何工作的。这里有一些示例XML可供您开始使用:
< bean id =fetchProfileInterceptorclass =x.y.zFetchProfileInterceptor>
< property name =sessionFactoryref =sessionFactory/>
< property name =fetchProfileref =gui-profile/>
< / bean>
< bean id =businessServiceclass =x.y.x.BusinessServiceImpl>
< property name =dao... />
< / bean>
< bean id =serviceForSwinGUI
class =org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean>
< property name =proxyInterfacesvalue =xyzBusinessServiceInterface />
< property name =targetref =businessService/>
< property name =interceptorNames>
< list>
< value> existingTransactionInterceptorBeanName< /值>
<值> fetchProfileInterceptor< /值>
< / list> ;
< / property>
< / bean>
i'm using spring + hibernate. All my HibernateDAO use directly sessionFactory.
I have application layer -> service layer -> DAO layer and all collections is lazly loaded.
So, the problem is that sometime in the application layer(that contains GUI/swing) i load an entity using a service layer method(that contains @Transactional annotation) and i want to use a lazly property of this object, but obviusly the session is already closed.
What is the best way to resolve this trouble?
I try to use a MethodInterceptor, my idea is to write an AroundAdvice for all my Entities and use annotation, so for example:
// Custom annotation, say that session is required for this method
public @interface SessionRequired {
// An AroundAdvice to intercept method calls
public class SessionInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable {
bool sessionRequired=mi.getMethod().isAnnotationPresent(SessionRequired.class);
// Begin and commit session only if @SessionRequired
// begin transaction here
Object ret=mi.proceed();
// commit transaction here
return ret;
// An example of entity
public class Customer implements Serializable {
Long id;
List<Order> orders; // this is a lazy collection
public List<Order> getOrders(){
return orders;
// And finally in application layer...
public void foo(){
// Load customer by id, getCustomer is annotated with @Transactional
// this is a lazy load
Customer customer=customerService.getCustomer(1);
// Get orders, my interceptor open and close the session for me... i hope...
List<Order> orders=customer.getOrders();
// Finally use the orders
Do you think can this work?The problem is, how to register this interceptor for all my entities without do it in xml file?There is a way to do it with annotation?
Hibernate recently introduced fetch profiles which (in addition to performance tuning) is ideal for solving issues like this. It allows you to (at runtime) choose between different loading and initialization strategies.
Edit (added section on how to set the fetch profile using an interceptor):
Before you get started: Check that fetch profiles actually will work for you. I haven't used them myself and see that they are currently limited to join fetches. Before you waste time on implementing and wiring up the interceptor, try setting the fetch profile manually and see that it actually solves your problem.
There are many ways to setup interceptors in Spring (according to preference), but the most straight-forward way would be to implement a MethodInterceptor (see http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/aop-api.html#aop-api-advice-around). Let it have a setter for the fetch profile you want and setter for the Hibernate Session factory:
public class FetchProfileInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private String fetchProfile;
... setters ...
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Session s = sessionFactory.openSession(); // The transaction interceptor has already opened the session, so this returns it.
try {
return invocation.proceed();
} finally {
Lastly, enable the interceptor in the Spring config. This can be done in several ways and you probably already have a AOP setup that you can add it to. See http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/aop.html#aop-schema.
If you're new to AOP, I'd suggest trying the "old" ProxyFactory way first (http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/aop-api.html#aop-api-proxying-intf) because it's easier to understand how it works. Here's some sample XML to get you started:
<bean id="fetchProfileInterceptor" class="x.y.zFetchProfileInterceptor">
<property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory"/>
<property name="fetchProfile" ref="gui-profile"/>
<bean id="businessService" class="x.y.x.BusinessServiceImpl">
<property name="dao" .../>
<bean id="serviceForSwinGUI"
<property name="proxyInterfaces" value="x.y.z.BusinessServiceInterface/>
<property name="target" ref="businessService"/>
<property name="interceptorNames">