


I currently have two different TestSuites (SUITE1.XML and SUITE2.xml) with different configurations (e.g browsers, Os)...


I call both SUITES inside testng.xml to run on saucelabs... and it runs fine... Only what I am concerned is, I want these suites to run parallel instead of sequential...


[TestNG] Running:

This is Browser String FIREFOX
This is Platform String WIN8
This is Version String 25
This is Browser String FIREFOX
This is Platform String WIN8
This is Version String 25
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.http.client.protocol.RequestAddCookies).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.http.client.protocol.RequestAddCookies).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Page Title isGoogle
Page Title isGoogle

Total tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

[TestNG] Running:

This is Browser String FIREFOX
This is Platform String XP
This is Version String 7
This is Browser String FIREFOX
This is Platform String XP
This is Version String 7
Page Title isGoogle
Page Title isGoogle

我搜索了很多网页,而且我得到的答案主要是使用我可以实现的ANT {PARALLEL}任务,但是如何?我需要一个例子..请帮忙。

I have searched alot of web and mostly answers I got is using ANT {PARALLEL} task I can achieve but how? I need an example.. Please help.

我正在使用macOS& TESTNG 6.8.6

I am using macOS & TESTNG 6.8.6



Another option is to use a suite-of-suites. I'll preface this by saying it's been a while since I've worked with this setup, but hopefully you'll find enough detail here to at least get started.


First, you'd define two (or more) suite XML files:

<suite name="Suite1">
    <test name="test1">
            <class name="fully.qualified.ClassName" />
            <include name="method1" />


<suite name="Suite2">
    <test name="test2">
            <class name="fully.qualified.ClassName" />
            <include name="method2" />


Then, you'd define a suite-of-suites XML file:

<suite name="suite of suites">
        <suite-file path="Suite1.xml" />
        <suite-file path="Suite2.xml" />

请注意, suite-file path value是从当前套件XML文件到您正在调用的XML文件的相对路径。如果它们位于同一目录中,只需文件名即可。

Do note, that the suite-file path value is the relative path from the current suite-of-suites XML file to the XML file you're calling. If they're in the same directory, simply the file name will suffice.

此外,两种XML类型都支持< parameter> 标签。标准套件XML将在< suite> 以及< test> 级别读取,并且我'我们在套件套件XML文件的< suite> 级别找到了< parameter> 标签也将工作。

Additionally, both XML types do support the <parameter> tag. The standard suite XML will read both at <suite> and in the <test> levels, and I've found that <parameter> tags at the <suite> level on the suite-of-suites XML file will work as well.


Finally, on execution, you'd need only pass in the suite-of-suites XML file as your suite file argument.

这是我能够让我的两个套件并行运行的方式。诀窍是正确设置我的 main()方法。

public class TestRunner
    public static void main(String[] args)
        TestNG testng = new TestNG();
        TestListenerAdapter adapter = new TestListenerAdapter();
        List<String> suites = new ArrayList<String>();

        testng.setOutputDirectory("path to output");


java -jar ParallelSuiteDemo.jar SuiteOfSuites.xml

注意,我的jar和所有xml文件都与此配置位于同一目录中。如果您希望使用目录结构,则需要正确配置命令行参数args和< suite-file> 条目。

Note, my jar and all xml files were in the same directory with this configuration. The command line args and <suite-file> entries would need to be configured properly if you wish you use a directory structure.

这产生了我在Selenium Grid上并行运行的两个suite.xml文件。

This yielded my two suite.xml files running in parallel on a Selenium Grid.


There may be better ways of doing this, to be honest. This is just what worked for me when I was trying to do something similar.


07-17 03:43