从 xsd 生成 xml

本文介绍了从 xsd 生成 xml的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否有可以从 XSD 生成 XML 的 IDE?不是 Oxygen 或 XmlSpy,它们对我来说太贵了......基于命令行当然是首选方法!

Is there an IDE out there that can generate XML from XSD?Not Oxygen or XmlSpy, they are too expensive for me...command line based is ofcourse the preferred method!


Netbeans IDE 有一个向导从 XSD 模式生成 XML 文档.一件好事是您也可以要求它生成可选的和重复的元素.

The Netbeans IDE has a wizard for generating XML documents from an XSD schema. A nice thing is that you can also ask it to generate optional and repeating elements too.

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05-27 05:09