我看到这个问题问了很多,但从未见过真正具体的答案.所以我将在这里发布一个,希望能帮助人们理解为什么在使用随机数生成器时会出现模偏差",比如 C++ 中的 rand()
I have seen this question asked a lot but never seen a true concrete answer to it. So I am going to post one here which will hopefully help people understand why exactly there is "modulo bias" when using a random number generator, like rand()
in C++.
So rand()
是一个伪随机数生成器,它在 0 和 RAND_MAX
,这是一个在 cstdlib
中定义的常量(参见这个 关于rand()
So rand()
is a pseudo-random number generator which chooses a natural number between 0 and RAND_MAX
, which is a constant defined in cstdlib
(see this article for a general overview on rand()
现在如果你想生成一个介于 0 和 2 之间的随机数会发生什么?为了便于说明,假设 RAND_MAX
为 10,我决定通过调用 rand()%3
生成 0 到 2 之间的随机数.但是,rand()%3
不会以相等的概率生成 0 到 2 之间的数字!
Now what happens if you want to generate a random number between say 0 and 2? For the sake of explanation, let's say RAND_MAX
is 10 and I decide to generate a random number between 0 and 2 by calling rand()%3
. However, rand()%3
does not produce the numbers between 0 and 2 with equal probability!
当 rand()
返回 0、3、6 或 9 时, rand()%3 == 0
.因此,P(0) = 4/11
When rand()
returns 0, 3, 6, or 9, rand()%3 == 0
. Therefore, P(0) = 4/11
当 rand()
返回 1、4、7 或 10 时, rand()%3 == 1
.因此,P(1) = 4/11
When rand()
returns 1, 4, 7, or 10, rand()%3 == 1
. Therefore, P(1) = 4/11
当 rand()
返回 2、5 或 8 时, rand()%3 == 2
.因此,P(2) = 3/11
When rand()
returns 2, 5, or 8, rand()%3 == 2
. Therefore, P(2) = 3/11
这不会以相等的概率生成 0 到 2 之间的数字.当然,对于小范围,这可能不是最大的问题,但对于更大的范围,这可能会扭曲分布,偏向较小的数字.
This does not generate the numbers between 0 and 2 with equal probability. Of course for small ranges this might not be the biggest issue but for a larger range this could skew the distribution, biasing the smaller numbers.
那么 rand()%n
什么时候以相同的概率返回从 0 到 n-1 的数字范围?当RAND_MAX%n == n - 1
.在这种情况下,连同我们之前的假设 rand()
确实以相等的概率返回 0 和 RAND_MAX
之间的数字,n 的模类也将均匀分布.
So when does rand()%n
return a range of numbers from 0 to n-1 with equal probability? When RAND_MAX%n == n - 1
. In this case, along with our earlier assumption rand()
does return a number between 0 and RAND_MAX
with equal probability, the modulo classes of n would also be equally distributed.
So how do we solve this problem? A crude way is to keep generating random numbers until you get a number in your desired range:
int x;
do {
x = rand();
} while (x >= n);
但是对于 n
的低值来说这是低效的,因为您只有 n/RAND_MAX
机会在您的范围内获得一个值,因此您需要平均对 rand()
but that's inefficient for low values of n
, since you only have a n/RAND_MAX
chance of getting a value in your range, and so you'll need to perform RAND_MAX/n
calls to rand()
on average.
更有效的公式方法是取一些长度可被 n
整除的大范围,例如 RAND_MAX - RAND_MAX % n
A more efficient formula approach would be to take some large range with a length divisible by n
, like RAND_MAX - RAND_MAX % n
, keep generating random numbers until you get one that lies in the range, and then take the modulus:
int x;
do {
x = rand();
} while (x >= (RAND_MAX - RAND_MAX % n));
x %= n;
对于较小的 n
值,这很少需要多次调用 rand()
For small values of n
, this will rarely require more than one call to rand()
Works cited and further reading: