本文介绍了postgresql 生成没有间隙的序列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我必须/必须为发票创建唯一 ID.我有一个表 id 和这个唯一编号的另一列.我使用序列化隔离级别.使用

 var seq = @"SELECT invoice_serial + 1 FROM invoice WHERE ""type""=@type ORDER BY invoice_serial DESC LIMIT 1";

没有帮助,因为即使使用 FOR UPDATE 它也不会像序列化级别那样读取正确的值.




我不久前写了一篇关于此的文章.它针对 Oracle,但实际上是关于无间隙数字的基本原则,我认为这同样适用于此.

好吧,它又发生了.有人询问如何实现产生间隙的要求-free 系列的数字和一大群反对者纷纷对他们说(在这里我稍微解释一下)这会扼杀系统性能,这很少是一个有效的要求,写这个要求的人是个白痴等等.

正如我在线程中指出的那样,生成无间隙数字序列有时是真正的法律要求.英国超过 2,000,000 家注册了 VAT(销售税)的组织的发票编号有这样的要求,其原因很明显:这使得向税务机关隐瞒收入的产生变得更加困难.我看到有人评论说这是西班牙和葡萄牙的要求,如果其他许多国家/地区没有要求,我也不会感到惊讶.


  1. 这一系列数字必须没有间隙.
  2. 多个进程创建与编号关联的实体(例如发票).
  3. 数字必须在创建实体时生成.



如果您的数字系列可能有间隙(并且您有多个进程需要立即生成数字),则使用 Oracle Sequence 对象.它们具有非常高的性能,并且已经很好地讨论了可以预期存在差距的情况.如果这很重要,那么通过设计努力来最大限度地减少在生成数字和提交事务之间过程失败的可能性,从而最大限度地减少跳过的数字数量并不太具有挑战性.


插入发票(发票#,...)使用 curr 作为 (选择 Coalesce(Max(invoice#)) max_invoice#从发票)选择curr.max_invoice#+rownum,...从tmp_invoice...

当然,您会保护您的进程,以便一次只能运行一个实例(如果您使用的是 Oracle,则可能使用 DBMS_Lock),并使用唯一的密钥约束保护发票#,并可能使用以下命令检查缺失值如果您真的非常关心,请单独使用代码.



  1. 将您的当前值存储在专用表中.不要使用序列.
  2. 通过将其封装在函数或过程中,确保所有进程使用相同的代码来生成新数字.
  3. 使用 DBMS_Lock 序列化对数字生成器的访问,确保每个系列都有自己的专用锁.
  4. 保持系列生成器中的锁,直到通过在提交时释放锁来完成实体创建事务
  5. 将数字的生成延迟到最后一刻.
  6. 考虑在生成数字之后和提交完成之前意外错误的影响——应用程序会优雅地回滚并释放锁,还是会在系列生成器上保持锁直到会话稍后断开连接?无论使用何种方法,如果交易失败,则序列号必须返回到池中".
  7. 您能否将整个内容封装在实体表上的触发器中?您能否将其封装在表或其他 API 调用中,以自动插入行并提交插入?


I must / have to create unique ID for invoices. I have a table id and another column for this unique number. I use serialization isolation level. Using

  var seq = @"SELECT invoice_serial + 1 FROM  invoice WHERE ""type""=@type ORDER BY invoice_serial DESC LIMIT 1";

Doesn't help because even using FOR UPDATE it wont read correct value as in serialization level.

Only solution seems to put some retry code.


Sequences do not generate gap-free sets of numbers, and there's really no way of making them do that because a rollback or error will "use" the sequence number.

I wrote up an article on this a while ago. It's directed at Oracle but is really about the fundamental principles of gap-free numbers, and I think the same applies here.

  1. The series of numbers must have no gaps.
  2. Multiple processes create the entities to which the number is associated (eg. invoices).
  3. The numbers must be generated at the time that the entity is created.

insert into
with curr as (
  select Coalesce(Max(invoice#)) max_invoice#
  from   invoices)

  1. Store your current values in a dedicated table. DO NOT use a sequence.
  2. Ensure that all processes use the same code to generate new numbers by encapsulating it in a function or procedure.
  3. Serialise access to the number generator with DBMS_Lock, making sure that each series has it’s own dedicated lock.
  4. Hold the lock in the series generator until your entity creation transaction is complete by releasing the lock on commit
  5. Delay the generation of the number until the last possible moment.
  6. Consider the impact of an unexpected error after generating the number and before the commit is completed — will the application rollback gracefully and release the lock, or will it hold the lock on the series generator until the session disconnects later? Whatever method is used, if the transaction fails then the series number(s) must be "returned to the pool".
  7. Can you encapsulate the whole thing in a trigger on the entity’s table? Can you encapsulate it in a table or other API call that inserts the row and commits the insert automatically?

Original article

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05-27 04:39