


First of all I want to know if this is possible. Essentially I have a listview that is being populated programatically with a custom list item view and a custom adapter. This works like a charm but the problem is that I have to sort this list in a specific way once it is populated. The values that are being put into the list are stored in String arrays. The problem is that when I sort the listview it changes the index of where I thought the values would be stored. I want to start a new activity with certain values found in the list view. Is this possible? I could take a string from the list item and can look it up in my arrays storing the values when that item is clicked. I can then start a new intent with extras so that I can pass this new data to the new activity. So, is it possible to extract a string from a list item?


lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int position,
                    long arg3){

    Object o=lv.getItemAtPosition(position);

    UtilityClass u=(UtilityClass)o;
    String s=u.getMyData();
    Intent edit = new Intent(context, AnotherActivity.class);
                        edit.putExtra("your_identifier", Integer.toString(position));



07-17 22:55