本文介绍了DocuSign API语言支持的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正试图让DocuSign发送电子邮件来用法语签署文档.我们知道一种更改接收者的用户首选项"的方法.我想知道的是,是否可以使用DocuSign API以法语发送电子邮件.通过在DocuSign Envelpoe中添加设置?有关此的任何信息将非常有帮助.

We are trying to get DocuSign to send out emails for signing documents in French. We are aware of one way which is by changing the receiver's User Preferences.What I would like to know is, is it possible to send out emails in French by using the DocuSign APIs.i.e. by adding a setting in the DocuSign Envelpoe?Any information regarding this will be extremely helpful.




There's a few ways to alter language settings for your signers:

  1. 您在JSON或XML请求正文中设置的 emailNotification 属性上的 supportedLanguage 字段.
  2. 您的帐户首选项的品牌"部分中找到的资源文件.
  3. 客户端的浏览器语言设置(在DocuSign控制台中控制语言).

对于 supportedLanguage 属性,您的JSON类似于:

For the supportedLanguage property your JSON would look something like:

"emailNotification": {
    "emailSubject": "Custom email subject",
    "emailBody": "Custom email body",
    "supportedLanguage": "en"


This page of the documentation lists the possible enumeration values for the various languages that are supported by DocuSign.


For #2, see this page for info on Branding and Resource Files.

注意:您可能需要通过Classic DocuSign控制台中的首选项"->功能"页面启用允许发件人为收件人设置电子邮件语言"选项.如果看不到该选项,请与您的客户经理或支持人员联系以启用该选项.

Note: You might have to enable "Allow sender to set email language for recipients" option through your Preferences -> Features page in the Classic DocuSign Console. If you don't see that option contact your account manager or support to have it enabled.

这篇关于DocuSign API语言支持的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 03:25