我正在寻求构建一些C#桌面客户端应用程序,该应用程序将发送大量PDF签名给大量不同的个人,因此我想知道docusign API是否可以提供自动化电话身份功能的权限?我无法在他们的网站上找到该页面。
I'm looking to build some C# desktop client application that will send out a large number of PDF to sign to a large number of different individual so I'm wondering if the docusign API provide access to automate the Phone identity feature? I was not able to find out the page on their site.
To specify phone authentication for a recipient, you need to specify the following properties for the recipient in the Create Envelope request:
"idCheckConfigurationName": "Phone Auth $",
"requireIdLookup": "true",
"phoneAuthentication": {
"recipMayProvideNumber": "false",
"senderProvidedNumbers": [
For example, here's a Create Envelope request that specifies phone authentication for the first (and only) recipient.
POST https://{{env}}.docusign.net/restapi/{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes
"status" : "sent",
"emailBlurb":"Test Email Body",
"emailSubject": "-- Test Email Subject --",
"recipients": {
"signers" : [
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Bob Adamson",
"idCheckConfigurationName": "Phone Auth $",
"requireIdLookup": "true",
"phoneAuthentication": {
"recipMayProvideNumber": "false",
"senderProvidedNumbers": [
"recipientId": "1",
"routingOrder": "1",
"tabs": {
"signHereTabs": [
"recipientId": "1",
"tabLabel": "Customer_Signature",
"documentId": "1",
"pageNumber": "1",
"xPosition": "99",
"yPosition": "424"
"dateSignedTabs": [
"recipientId": "1",
"tabLabel": "Customer_Date",
"documentId": "1",
"pageNumber": "1",
"xPosition": "373",
"yPosition": "456"
"documents": [
"name": "TestDocAPI.pdf",
"documentId": 1,
这只是一个示例-在 phoneAuthentication 对象下设置的属性可能会有所不同,具体取决于您的特定要求。请参阅《 DocuSign REST API指南》()以获取 phoneAuthentication 下可用的其他属性的信息。
This is just one example -- the properties you set under the phoneAuthentication object may differ depending on your specific requirements. See the DocuSign REST API Guide (http://www.docusign.com/sites/default/files/REST_API_Guide_v2.pdf) for information about additional properties available under phoneAuthentication.