是否必须在 PHP 脚本中关闭连接?
Is it a must to close the connection in PHP script?
Depending on the configuration of your DB server, there is a limit on the possible number of connections opened to it at the same time.
- 做一些查询
- 然后,在不做任何查询的情况下进行一些长时间的计算
在完成所有查询后关闭连接可能会很有趣 - 并且仅在需要时才打开连接.
It can be interesting to close the connection after having done all your queries -- and to only open the connection when it's becoming needed.
不过,请注意,无论如何,脚本结束时连接都会关闭;这意味着,如果您没有 wya 来确保您已完成查询,则您不需要需要关闭连接:保持打开状态允许您在任何时候进行一些额外的查询必要的.
Still, note that connections are closed when the script ends, anyway ; which means that if you don't have a wya to be sure that you have finished doing queries, you don't need to close the connection : keeping it opened allows you to do some additionnal queries whenever it's necessary.
For the applications I write, I generally :
- 在第一次查询时打开连接(这意味着如果没有发送查询则不会打开连接)
- 永远不要关闭连接:因为我的页面是使用大量组件构建的,所以我无法确定不再需要连接.