据我了解,MATLAB Compiler将MATLAB代码包装到一个.exe文件中,因此无需安装MATLAB就可以使用它,而只需要MCR.最重要的是,MATLAB Builder NE还可以用于生成与.Net框架一起使用的.Net程序集,而不是.exe文件,但它们仍需要MCR.
As far as I understand it, MATLAB Compiler wraps the MATLAB code into a .exe file so that it can be used without installing MATLAB, and only requires the MCR. On top of it MATLAB Builder NE can also be used to produce .Net assemblies to be used with .Net framework instead of the .exe file, but they still require MCR.
现在我不明白MATLAB Coder的用途是什么?它生成C/C ++代码.但是,是将MATLAB代码真正转换为C/C ++,还是像在MATLAB Compiler的情况下那样打包?它还需要MCR来运行吗?
Now I don't understand what MATLAB Coder used for? It generates C/C++ code. But is the MATLAB code really converted into C/C++, or is it merely packaged like in the case of MATLAB Compiler? Does it also need the MCR to run?
I understand that this is not exactly a programming question. But I have searched the internet and still haven't found a clear answer. These are very expensive products so I would like to know what I am getting into.
MATLAB编译器加密并存档您的MATLAB代码(仍作为MATLAB .m
MATLAB Compiler encrypts and archives your MATLAB code (which remains as MATLAB .m
code), and packages it in a thin executable (either .exe or .dll) wrapper. This is delivered to the end user along with the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR). If you wish, the MCR can be packaged within the executable as well.
The MCR is freely redistributable, and you can think of it as essentially a copy of MATLAB without a front-end desktop.
When the user runs the executable, it dearchives and decrypts the MATLAB code, and runs it against the MCR instead of MATLAB. Applications delivered via this method should therefore run exactly the same as they do within MATLAB (including the same speed).
MATLAB Coder 将MATLAB语言的子集转换为C代码.然后,可以用许多不同的方式来使用它,包括以mex文件的形式带回MATLAB,使用C编译器进行编译以从另一个应用程序调用或传递给嵌入式设备.由于它是C代码而不是MATLAB代码,因此它通常(尽管不总是)比原始MATLAB代码运行得快得多. C代码不需要MCR.支持的MATLAB语言子集非常广泛,但是在提交此工作流之前,您需要考虑一些明显的限制.生成的代码是C代码,但是如果需要使用C ++编译器而不是C编译器,则可以生成C ++包装器.
MATLAB Coder converts a subset of the MATLAB language into C code. This can then be used in many different ways, including being brought back into MATLAB as a mex file, compiled with a C compiler to be called from another application, or delivered to an embedded device. Since it is C code rather than MATLAB code, it will often (though not always) run much faster than the original MATLAB code. The C code does not require the MCR. The supported subset of the MATLAB language is very extensive, but there are a few notable restrictions that you would want to look into before committing to this workflow. The code produced is C code, although it can produce a C++ wrapper if you have a need to use a C++ compiler rather than a C compiler.
MATLAB Compiler is intended for the use case that you want to simply and (fairly) straightforwardly share a MATLAB application that you've written with someone who does not have a copy of MATLAB. Since the deployed .m
code is encrypted, it can also be used to share MATLAB code while protecting intellectual property.
MATLAB Coder 还有其他用例,例如想要通过转换为mex文件来加速MATLAB代码,或者需要为其他应用程序或嵌入式设备生成C代码.
MATLAB Coder has other use cases, such as wanting to speed up MATLAB code by converting to a mex file, or needing to produce C code for another application or an embedded device.
If you have more detailed questions, I would really recommend that you just call up MathWorks and ask them.
编辑:上面的信息对于MATLAB R2014b及更低版本是正确的.从MATLAB R2015a开始, MATLAB Compiler 的功能已与 MATLAB Builder 产品的功能重新混合,并且还有一个新产品 MATLAB Compiler SDK >.
Edit: The information above is correct for versions of MATLAB R2014b and below. As of MATLAB R2015a, functionality from MATLAB Compiler has been remixed with functionality from the MATLAB Builder products, and there is also a new product MATLAB Compiler SDK.
从R2015a开始, MATLAB编译器以与上述相同的方式工作(即加密,存档和打包,但不生成C),但现在将打包为.exe和Excel加载项(.xla).在R2015a之前,此功能曾经在产品 MATLAB Builder EX for Excel 中提供.
As of R2015a, MATLAB Compiler works in the same way as described above (i.e. encrypt, archive and package, but not producing C), but will now package as .exe, and as an Excel add-in (.xla). Prior to R2015a, this functionality used to be present in the product MATLAB Builder EX for Excel.
从R2015a开始, MATLAB编译器不再生成.dll组件.此功能已移至新产品 MATLAB Compiler SDK ,该产品还包括用于生成.NET程序集和Java类的功能.在R2015a之前,此功能曾经存在于产品用于.NET的MATLAB Builder NE 和用于Java的MATLAB Builder JA 中.
As of R2015a, MATLAB Compiler no longer produces .dll components. This functionality has been moved to the new product MATLAB Compiler SDK, which also includes functionality to produce .NET assemblies and Java classes. Prior to R2015a, this functionality used to be present in the products MATLAB Builder NE for .NET and MATLAB Builder JA for Java.
In R2014b and below, we had:
MATLAB Compiler: produce .exe and .dll components
用于.NET的MATLABLAB Builder NE :生成.NET程序集
MATLAB Builder NE for .NET: produce .NET assemblies
MATLAB Builder JA for Java :生成Java类
用于Microsoft Excel的MATLAB Builder EX :生成Excel加载项.
MATLAB Builder EX for Microsoft Excel: produce Excel add-ins.
In R2015a, we have:
MATLAB Compiler: produce .exe and Excel add-ins
MATLAB编译器SDK :生成.dll,.NET程序集和Java类.
MATLAB Compiler SDK: produce .dll, .NET assemblies and Java classes.
MATLAB Coder 的范围和用例在这些发行版中没有发生变化(尽管有新功能).
The scope and use-cases of MATLAB Coder have not changed across these releases (although there are new features).
编辑:从R2015b开始, MATLAB编译器SDK 还会生成Python软件包.
Edit: As of R2015b, MATLAB Compiler SDK also produces Python packages.
Additional information on distinguishing MATLAB Coder and MATLAB Compiler for C/C++ can be found here.
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