我正在Windows 10(64位)上的MATLAB R2016a中尝试使用glmnet
i'm trying to use glmnet
vignette in MATLAB R2016a on windows 10 (64bit). I downloaded the version from here. Every time that I try to use a function (like cvglmnet
) MATLAB crashes.
用于MATLAB的glmnet版本仅在MATLAB 2013b(64位)上进行了测试,但是我想知道是否有人可以在其他版本的MATLAB上使用它,以及如何做到这一点.我认为问题是由于MATLAB崩溃导致的错误提示,应该重新编译mex文件
The glmnet version for MATLAB was tested only on MATLAB 2013b (64-bit), but I wanted to know if someone was able to use it on other versions of MATLAB and how to do that. I think the problem is the mex file that maybe should be recompiled since the error on the MATLAB crash says
This error was detected while a MEX-file was running. If the MEX-file
is not an official MathWorks function, please examine its source code
for errors. Please consult the External Interfaces Guide for information
on debugging MEX-files.
我解决了重新编译Fortran文件的问题.为此,我先安装了Visual Studio 2015,然后安装了Fortran的Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016(2017版无效),然后在我使用的MATLAB终端上安装了
I solved the problem recompiling the Fortran files. To do that I installed Visual Studio 2015, then Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 for Fortran (the 2017 version doesn't work) and then on MATLAB terminal I used:
mex glmnetMex.F glmnet.f
这篇关于在MATLAB R2016a中使用glmnet的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!