在开发移动应用程序的AIR应用程序可以有人向我解释的差异使用的 renderMode = GPU
VS renderMODE =直接
When developing an AIR app for mobile application can someone explain to me the differences between using renderMode = GPU
vs renderMODE = direct
and when you would use either?
Please feel free to correct me but this is my understanding.There are 2 components in the display pipeline
- 渲染
- 合成
有3 renderModes可以使用Flash / AIR
There are 3 renderModes possible with Flash/AIR
- 直接
使用CPU,无论是合成和渲染都是由CPU /软件处理。随着GPU,合成由GPU /硬件处理和渲染,CPU /软件还是处理
With CPU, BOTH Compositing and Rendering are handled by the CPU/software.With GPU, Compositing is handled by the GPU/hardware and Rendering is still handled by CPU/software
DIRECT是GPU模式在合成由CPU /软件处理,而且呈现由GPU /硬件处理相反。
DIRECT is the opposite of GPU mode in that Compositing is handled by the CPU/software and Rendering is handled by the GPU/hardware.
GPU mode benefits most from partial blitting, CPU mode from stage blitting and benefits from DIRECT mode come only if targeting Stage3D, either directly or indirectly via a framework like Starling or Away3D.
相反,如果定位的Stage3D,你必须使用renderMode = DIRECT
Conversely if targeting Stage3D, you must use renderMode=DIRECT
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