gcloud preview docker push gcr.io/project-name/an-image
And I got the following error. Does anyone know how I fix that or what it means? All I was doing was following the standard examples just to learn how it works... Thanks :)
FATA [0010]错误:v1 ping尝试失败,错误:获取:拨打tcp:i / o超时。如果此私有注册表仅支持具有未知CA证书的HTTP或HTTPS,请向守护程序的参数添加 - insecure-registry gcr.io
FATA[0010] Error: v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://gcr.io/v1/_ping: dial tcp: i/o timeout. If this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, please add --insecure-registry gcr.io
to the daemon's arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate at /etc/docker/certs.d/gcr.io/ca.crt
试图运行:'docker push gcr.io/project-name/an-image'
ERROR: (gcloud.preview.docker) A Docker command did not run successfully.Tried to run: 'docker push gcr.io/project-name/an-image'Exit code: 1
错误意味着docker在连接到 url,并且tcp连接超时。
The error means that docker had problem connecting to the https://gcr.io/v1/_ping url, and the tcp connection timed out.
最可能的原因是您的ISP和Google之间的连接有问题。尝试运行curl 几次,看看是否它正确连接(它应该返回true作为请求的正文)。如果没有,请尝试ping gcr.io以查看是否可以到达服务器。
The most likely cause is a fluke in the connection between your ISP and Google. Try running "curl https://gcr.io/v1/_ping" a couple of times and see if it connects correctly (it should return "true" as the body of the request). If not, try pinging gcr.io to see if you can reach the server at all.
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