


我有一个Web api设置,可以进行一些打包计算.我目前没有设置自动扩展功能,因为它有时可能会非常密集,因此我正在考虑将其扩展到另一个级别.问题是s3 -4个CPU/7GB更好 还是比P2v2差-2个CPU/7GB?

I have a web api set up that does some packing calculations. I'ts currently on s2 with auto scale out set up as it can be quite intensive at times so I'm thinking about scaling up to another level. The question is would s3  - 4 CPUs / 7GB be better or worse than P2v2 - 2 CPUs / 7GB?


Also if I scaled up to P2v2 could I then scale back down to s2?




Standard Service Plan:

标准服务计划旨在运行生产工作负载.定价基于您运行的实例的大小和数量.内置网络负载平衡支持 自动跨实例分配流量.标准计划包括自动扩展功能,该功能可以自动调整正在运行的虚拟机实例的数量以满足您的流量需求

The Standard service plan is designed for running production workloads. Pricing is based on the size and number of instances you run. Built-in network load balancing support automatically distributes traffic across instances. The Standard plan includes auto scale that can automatically adjust the number of virtual machine instances running to match your traffic needs

Premium v​​2服务计划:

Premium v2 Service Plan:

设计用于为生产应用程序Premium v​​2提供增强的性能和可扩展性(预览版) )功能 DV2系列 具有更快的处理器, SSD存储的VM ,以及与标准版相比,内存/核心比例是双倍. Premium v​​2还通过增加实例数量来支持更高的规模,同时仍提供标准计划中提供的所有高级功能.

Designed to provide enhanced performance and scalability for production apps, Premium v2 (preview) features Dv2-series VMs with faster processors, SSD storage, anddouble memory-to-core ratio compared to Standard. Premium v2 also supports higher scale via increased instance count while still providing all the advanced capabilities found in the Standard plan.

注意: 如果您从 S2 P2V2 ,您将收到以下错误消息" 此秤台不支持Premium V2.请考虑重新部署或克隆该应用程序 ",因为" 要 将Web应用程序扩展到Premium V2,您需要在Azure App Service中拥有一个Web应用程序,该Web App的运行价格低于PremiumV2 ".

Note: If you Scale up fromS2 to P2V2, you will get the following error message "Premium V2 is not supported for this scale unit. Please consider redeploying or cloning the App", because "To scale-up a web app to Premium V2, you need to have a Web App in Azure App Service that runs in a pricing tier lower than PremiumV2".

如果您的Web App与 P2V2 ,您可以缩小到 S2 .

If you have Web App withP2V2 you can scale down to S2.

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09-07 00:50