任何人都可以帮助我访问第一个5 * 5块从一个图像?我是新的打开CV,我正在编码的C ++。我搜索net.If任何人都可以回答这将使我的工作更容易。
Can anyone please help me to access first 5*5 block from an image?I am new to open CV,I am doing the coding in c++.i searched over net.If anyone could answer this it would make my work easier.
您可以使用 cv :: Mat :: operator code>。
You can access image ROI using the
e.g, to get the first 5x5 block of the image, you can do the following:
int roi_origin_x = 0;
int roi_origin_y = 0;
int block_width = 5;
int block_height = 5;
cv::Rect roi(roi_origin_x, roi_origin_y, block_width, block_height);
cv::Mat region = image(roi);
To access a specific block number e.g (i,j), just change the origin of the block like this:
int block_width = 5;
int block_height = 5;
int roi_origin_x = i * block_width;
int roi_origin_y = j * block_height;
cv::Rect roi(roi_origin_x, roi_origin_y, block_width, block_height);
The roi may go out of image bounds, so make sure you apply the checks to keep it inside the image boundary,
这篇关于如何从打开的cv中的图像访问第一个5 * 5块?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!