


Okay, so this really bugs me.


I'm using perf to record the cpu-clock event (a software event):

$ > perf record -e cpu-clock srun -n 1 ./stream


... and the table produced by perf report is empty.


I'm using perf to record all available software events listed in perf list:

$ > perf record -e alignment-faults,context-switches,cpu-clock,cpu-migrations,\
srun -n 1 ./stream


... the table gives me a list of available samples:

0 alignment-faults
125 context-switches
255 cpu-clock
21 cpu-migrations
0 dummy
0 emulation-faults
0 major-faults
128 minor-faults
132 page-faults
254 task-clock


I can look at the samples collected in cpu-clock and it gives me information. Why?! Why does it not work if I only measure cpu-clock? Why were there no samples collected in four events?


This is a follow-up to this question:error: perf.data file has no samples


可能 srun 不会直接使用分叉启动目标进程.它可能使用诸如ssh或daemon之类的各种远程外壳程序来启动进程.

Probably srun don't start target process with direct fork. It may use some varian ot remote shell like ssh or daemon to start processes.

性能记录(不带 -a 选项)将仅跟踪直接分叉的子流程,而不跟踪由sshd或其他守护程序启动(分叉)的进程.如果 srun 可以转到它并使用 perf record ... srun 命令,它将永远不会对远程计算机进行配置(这是对srun应用程序及其进行分叉的所有文件进行配置)

perf record (without -a option) will track only directly forked sub-processes, not the process started (forked) by sshd or other daemon. And it will never profile remote machine if the srun can go to it and perf record ... srun command was used (this is to profile srun application and everything it forks).

首先尝试使用 perf stat 获得总(原始)性能计数器,然后将perf用作srun参数;这是使用远程Shell或守护程序的工具(可能具有perf的完整路径)的正确用法:

Try perf stat first to get total (raw) performance counters, and put perf as srun argument; this is the correct usage with tools which uses remote shell or daemons (probably with full path to perf):

 srun -n 1 perf stat ./stream
 srun -n 1 /usr/bin/perf stat ./stream


perf stat will print running time of target task. Then select some event with high raw counter (perf record usually tune sample rate to around several kHz, so thousands of samples will be generated, if there are enough raw event counts):

 srun -n 1 perf record -e cpu-clock ./stream
 srun -n 1 /usr/bin/perf record -e cpu-clock ./stream


09-05 03:10