If I create a JQuery widget (code example below), and then define a "public" method, is there any other way to call the method other than using the following form?
I would like to create a series of widgets that all define the same methods (basically implementing the same interface), and be able to call the method without knowing anything about which widget I currently am invoking the method on. In the current form, I need to know that I am executing the method on the "list" widget.
Below is an example of creating a widget with the "public" method.
(function($) {
var items = [];
var itemFocusIdx = 0;
$.widget("ui.list", {
// Standard stuff
options : { ... },
_create : function() { ... },
destroy : function() { ... },
// My Public Methods
publicMethod : function() { ... }
jQuery UI小部件使用jQuery的$ .data(...)方法将小部件类与DOM元素间接关联.在小部件上调用方法的首选方式正是Max ...描述的方式.
jQuery UI widgets use jQuery's $.data(...) method to indirectly associate the widget class with the DOM element. The preferred way to call a method on the widget is exactly what was described by Max...
...but if you want to field a return value, you'll have better luck calling it this way, via the data method:
但是,使用第二种方法避开了整个jQuery UI小部件模式,如果可能的话,应该避免使用它.
However, using the second way side-steps the whole jQuery UI widget pattern, and should probably be avoided if possible.