I am seeing inconsistent documentation and discussion regarding what happens when Android is low on memory and the steps the OS takes to re-claim memory. More specifically, does Android kill at the granularity of activity/fragment, or entire process?
For example, if Activity B is launched in front of Activity A (and both activities are part of the same app/process), can Activity A be killed by the OS while Activity B is in the foreground and the user is interacting with Activity B (assume: screen remains on, current app remains in the foreground, no orientation change occurs)?
此 2011年的答案"(由Google的Android团队的Dianne Hackborn撰写)表明,Android的杀伤力在于进程的粒度,而不是活动的粒度.
On the Android Developer pages on Recreating an Activity, it says:
Notice the ambiguity: "the system must shut down background PROCESSES".
在的Android开发人员页面上onSaveInstanceState ,它表示:
After reading through these and many other doc pages and online discussion, it is not clear what the correct answer is.
I also have the same question regarding fragments: Can a backgrounded fragment be killed due to low memory, without its entire process being killed?
Memory management happens at two distinct levels: through garbage collection (recycling unreferenced objects) and at the process level, as explained in this Android blog post. There is no concept of killing just a single activity (remember: Android is based on Linux and Linux has no concept of activities or components, just processes).
Yes, the 'background processes' it mentions is exactly the process category mentioned in the above blog and the documentation. This refers to activities that previously existed, but are no longer part of the current foreground/visible processes.
Yes, they are discussing the case where you launch an Activity from another process (as is likely when you are using implicit intents). During this time, your process is not the foreground process and therefore is certainly possible to be killed if the combination of foreground activity+foreground services is too much.
No, fragments cannot be killed due to low memory.