


I'm having this problem when trying to push to a remote server. It is a Mercurial repository on Phabricator. Here are my output.

hg commit -m "udpate README"
hg push
pushing to ssh://company.server
searching for changes
remote: abort: stream ended unexpectedly (got 0 bytes, expected 4)

我正在Mac OS 10.10上使用最新版本的Mercurial 3.5.2+20151001.

I'm using the latest version of Mercurial 3.5.2+20151001 on Mac OS 10.10.


I have this problem from yesterday. During that time, I could successfully committed two times, although I did nothing.

为什么输出看起来有点像这个问题这里有所不同,因为我删除了存储库并再次克隆了很多遍,没有任何问题. (我第一次尝试解决该问题)

Why the output somewhat looks like this question, the problem here is different, because I have deleted the repository and cloned again many times without any problem. (my first attempt to solve the problem)


The system admin and the server is at another city, so he can't take a look at my machine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


服务器和客户端可能对3.5版中引入的有线协议的新bundle2格式存在异议,这似乎是有问题的.我建议尝试暂时降级到3.4.2(例如,使用pip install mercurial==3.4.2),以查看是否可以解决此问题.请参见有关Phabricator的讨论.如果它不起作用,hg push --debug --traceback可以提供有关到底出了什么问题的更多信息.

This looks like there may be a problem with the server and client disagreeing on the new bundle2 format for the wire protocol introduced in 3.5. I'd recommend trying to temporarily downgrade to 3.4.2 (e.g. with pip install mercurial==3.4.2) to see if it fixes this. See this discussion on Phabricator. If it doesn't work, hg push --debug --traceback can provide more information on what exactly went wrong.


08-26 08:00