I've a MySQL table that has a UTF-8 charset and upon attempting to insert to it via a PHP form, the database gives the following error:
The character in question is 'è', yet I don't see why this should be a problem considering the database and table are set to UTF-8.
I've tried directly from the mysql terminal and have the same problem.
E8大于一字节UTF8字符中的最大可用字符7F: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
E8 is greater than the maximum usable character 7F in a one-byte UTF8 character: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
似乎您的连接未设置为UTF8,而是其他一些8位编码,例如ISO Latin.如果将数据库设置为UTF8,则仅更改数据库内部使用的字符集,连接可能使用不同的默认值(对于较早的MySQL版本,为latin1),因此您应尝试在连接到数据库后发送初始SET CHARACTER SET utf-8
It seems your connection is not set to UTF8 but some other 8 bit encoding like ISO Latin. If you set the database to UTF8 you only change the character set the database uses internally, connections may be on a different default value (latin1 for older MySQL versions) so you should try to send an initial SET CHARACTER SET utf-8
after connecting to the database. If you have access to my.cnf you can also set the correct default value there, but keep in mind that changing the default may break any other sites/apps running on the same host.