replacer.registerFormatReplacement(Pattern.quote("{worldname}"), new TownyChatReplacerCallable() {
public String call(String match, LocalTownyChatEvent event) throws Exception {
return String.format(ChatSettings.getWorldTag(), event.getEvent().getPlayer().getWorld().getName());
replacer.registerFormatReplacement(Pattern.quote("{town}"), new TownyChatReplacerCallable() {
public String call(String match, LocalTownyChatEvent event) throws Exception {
return event.getResident().hasTown() ? event.getResident().getTown().getName() : "";
Is there a way to use annotations to cut down on the amount of repeated code, avoiding reflection to call the call method, and only using it during registration, if at all?
I'm not adverse to the idea of creating an annotation pre processor as I was already planning on doing this to enable automatically generating documentation.
Let's assume you write a small Annotation
@interface PatternHandler {
String value();
class Callables {
public static final TownyChatReplacerCallable FOO = new TownyChatReplacerCallable() {
public String call(String match, String event) {
return "This is foo handler called with " + match + "," + event;
public static final TownyChatReplacerCallable BAR = new TownyChatReplacerCallable() {
public String call(String match, String event) {
return "This is foo handler called with " + match + "," + event;
Now you can take the whole class or even multiple classes that contain those static fields and pass it to some registry method that iterates reflectively over each field in that class and if it's an annotated callable registers that.
class AnnotationRegistry {
public static void register(String pattern, TownyChatReplacerCallable handler) {}
public static void register(Class<?> clazz) {
// only fields declared by this class, not inherited ones (static fields can't be inherited)
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
// must have that annotation
PatternHandler annotation = field.getAnnotation(PatternHandler.class);
if (annotation != null) {
// must be static
if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) {
System.out.println("Field must be static:" + field.getName());
// get content of that field
try {
Object object = field.get(null);
// must be != null and a callable
if (object instanceof TownyChatReplacerCallable) {
register(annotation.value(), (TownyChatReplacerCallable) object);
} else {
System.out.println("Field must be instanceof TownyChatReplacerCallable:" + field.getName());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
That would save you a bit code and would have no speed disadvantage at runtime since there is no need to use reflection to call those callables.
除了使用静态字段,你也可以使用非静态的,如果你传递一个类注册表这将然后像 Object对象= field.get(实例)使用的实例; 不是
Besides using static fields, you can also use non static ones if you pass an instance of a class to the registry which would then be used like
Object object = field.get(instance);
instead of the null
Furthermore, instead of fields the same approach would work with methods which would be less code to write:
public static String fooMethod(String match, String event) {
return "This is foo handler called with " + match + "," + event;
Registry would then look for all
s. Then for example wrap them in
class MethodAdapter implements TownyChatReplacerCallable {
private final Method method;
public MethodAdapter(Method m) {
method = m;
public String call(String match, String event) {
try {
return (String) method.invoke(null, match, event);
} catch (Exception e) {
return "OMGZ";
和照常继续。但要注意:调用一个方法沉思可能比通过code直接调用它慢 - 百分之几而已,没什么好担心的。
and continue as usual. But beware: invoking a method reflectively is potentially slower than calling it directly via code - few percent only, nothing to worry about
Full example for methods: http://ideone.com/lMJsrl