


Suppose I have the following code:

public class SomeClass()
    private readonly object _lock = new object();

    public void SomeMethodA()
    	lock (_lock)

    		//do something that requires lock on _lock

    public void SomeMethodB()
    	lock (_lock)

    		//do something that requires lock on _lock

    private void SomeHelperMethod()
    	lock (_lock)
    		//do something that requires lock on _lock

锁定在 SomeHelperMethod 似乎是多余和浪费,因为所有来电者都已经采取了锁。然而,简单地去除锁定 SomeHelperMethod 似乎危险的,因为我们可能会在以后重构code,却忘了锁 _lock 对象在调用 SomeHelperMethod

Locking inside SomeHelperMethod seems redundant and wasteful, since all callers have already taken a lock. However, simply removing the lock from SomeHelperMethod seems dangerous since we might later refactor the code and forget to lock the _lock object prior to calling SomeHelperMethod.

在理想情况下,我可以解决此通过断言当前线程拥有内部 SomeHelperMethod _lock 锁:

Ideally I could work around this by asserting that the current thread owns a lock on _lock inside SomeHelperMethod:

private void SomeHelperMethod()

    //do something that requires lock on _lock

但似乎没有成为这样的方法。 Monitor.TryEnter 做的没有的帮助,因为锁是可重入的。因此,如果当前线程已经拥有该锁, TryEnter 仍将成功并返回。它会失败的唯一的一次是,如果另一个线程拥有锁,调用超时。

But there does not appear to be such a method. Monitor.TryEnter does not help because locks are re-entrant. Therefore, if the current thread already owns the lock, TryEnter will still succeed and return true. The only time it will fail is if another thread owns the lock and the call times out.


So, does such a method exist? If not, why? It does not seem dangerous at all to me, since it merely tells you whether the current thread (not another thread) owns a lock or not.


这是支持.NET 4.5使用Monitor.IsEntered(object).

This is supported in .NET 4.5 using Monitor.IsEntered(object).


08-20 05:53