


What would happen if I start to define my script tags as ECMA? Will it execute to a different standard?

有没有人真正使用ECMA脚本而不是直接Javascript ...?

Does anyone actually use ECMA script instead of straight up Javascript...?


ECMAScript是一种标准。 JavaScript是该标准的实现(更准确地说,该标准的第3版)。

ECMAScript is a standard. JavaScript is an implementation of that standard (edition 3 of that standard to be more exact).


Other implementations of ECMAScript are ActionScript and JScript.

还要注意,没有一个的JavaScript 。只要符合ECMAScript要求,每个JavaScript引擎都可以实现自己的语言版本。这意味着浏览器(JS引擎)可能具有其他功能,但它们必须具有基本ECMAScript功能。

Also note that there isn't one JavaScript. Each JavaScript engine may implement its own version of the language as long as it meets the ECMAScript requirements. This means that browsers (JS engines) may have additional functionality, but they all must have the base ECMAScript functionality.

现在,根据回答您的问题,如果媒体类型设置为 application / ecmascript ,而不是 application / javascript ,它必须遵守更严格的标准。

And now, to answer your question, according to RFC 4329, if the media type is set to application/ecmascript, rather than application/javascript, it must adhere to a stricter standard.


08-19 13:35