I have a question about IPTC metadata. Is it possible to search images that aren't in a database by their IPTC metadata (keywords) and show them and how would I go about doing this? I just need a basic idea.
I know there is the iptcparse() function for PHP.
I have already written a function to grab the image name, location, and extension for all images within a galleries folder and all subdirectories by .jpg extension.
我需要找出如何提取元数据而不存储在数据库中,以及如何搜索它,抓取与搜索标签匹配的相关图片(他们的IPTC关键字应该匹配)以及如何显示它们。我知道在这一点,我有最后的结果(后搜索),我可以回声与src =$ filelocation>如果我有一个数组中的最终结果的一个imagetag。
I need to figure out how to extract the metadata without storing it in a database and how to search through it, grab the relevant images that match the search tag (their IPTC keywords should match) and how to display them. I know at the point that I have the final results (post search) i can echo an imagetag with src="$filelocation"> if i have the final results in an array.
Basically, I am not sure if I need to store all my images into a mysql database and also extract the keywords and store them in the database as well before I can actually search and display the results. Also, if you could guide me to any gallery that already is able to do this, that could help as well.
Thanks for any help regarding this issue.
It is not clear what in particular is giving you problems, but perhaps this will give you some ideas:
# Images we're searching
$images = array('/path/to/image.jpg', 'another-image.jpg');
# IPTC keywords to values (from exiv2, see below)
$query = array('Byline' => 'Some Author');
# Perform the search
$result = select_jpgs_by_iptc_fields($images, $query);
# Display the results
foreach ($result as $path) {
echo '<img src="', htmlspecialchars($path), '">';
function select_jpgs_by_iptc_fields($jpgs, $query) {
$matches = array();
foreach ($jpgs as $path) {
$iptc = get_jpg_iptc_metadata($path);
foreach ($query as $name => $values) {
if (!is_array($values))
$values = array($values);
if (count(array_intersect($iptc[$name], $values)) != count($values))
continue 2;
$matches[] = $path;
return $matches;
function get_jpg_iptc_metadata($path) {
$size = getimagesize($path, $info);
return human_readable_iptc(iptcparse($info['APP13']));
else {
return null;
function human_readable_iptc($iptc) {
# From the exiv2 sources
static $iptc_codes_to_names =
// IPTC.Envelope-->
"1#000" => 'ModelVersion',
"1#005" => 'Destination',
"1#020" => 'FileFormat',
"1#022" => 'FileVersion',
"1#030" => 'ServiceId',
"1#040" => 'EnvelopeNumber',
"1#050" => 'ProductId',
"1#060" => 'EnvelopePriority',
"1#070" => 'DateSent',
"1#080" => 'TimeSent',
"1#090" => 'CharacterSet',
"1#100" => 'UNO',
"1#120" => 'ARMId',
"1#122" => 'ARMVersion',
// <-- IPTC.Envelope
// IPTC.Application2 -->
"2#000" => 'RecordVersion',
"2#003" => 'ObjectType',
"2#004" => 'ObjectAttribute',
"2#005" => 'ObjectName',
"2#007" => 'EditStatus',
"2#008" => 'EditorialUpdate',
"2#010" => 'Urgency',
"2#012" => 'Subject',
"2#015" => 'Category',
"2#020" => 'SuppCategory',
"2#022" => 'FixtureId',
"2#025" => 'Keywords',
"2#026" => 'LocationCode',
"2#027" => 'LocationName',
"2#030" => 'ReleaseDate',
"2#035" => 'ReleaseTime',
"2#037" => 'ExpirationDate',
"2#038" => 'ExpirationTime',
"2#040" => 'SpecialInstructions',
"2#042" => 'ActionAdvised',
"2#045" => 'ReferenceService',
"2#047" => 'ReferenceDate',
"2#050" => 'ReferenceNumber',
"2#055" => 'DateCreated',
"2#060" => 'TimeCreated',
"2#062" => 'DigitizationDate',
"2#063" => 'DigitizationTime',
"2#065" => 'Program',
"2#070" => 'ProgramVersion',
"2#075" => 'ObjectCycle',
"2#080" => 'Byline',
"2#085" => 'BylineTitle',
"2#090" => 'City',
"2#092" => 'SubLocation',
"2#095" => 'ProvinceState',
"2#100" => 'CountryCode',
"2#101" => 'CountryName',
"2#103" => 'TransmissionReference',
"2#105" => 'Headline',
"2#110" => 'Credit',
"2#115" => 'Source',
"2#116" => 'Copyright',
"2#118" => 'Contact',
"2#120" => 'Caption',
"2#122" => 'Writer',
"2#125" => 'RasterizedCaption',
"2#130" => 'ImageType',
"2#131" => 'ImageOrientation',
"2#135" => 'Language',
"2#150" => 'AudioType',
"2#151" => 'AudioRate',
"2#152" => 'AudioResolution',
"2#153" => 'AudioDuration',
"2#154" => 'AudioOutcue',
"2#200" => 'PreviewFormat',
"2#201" => 'PreviewVersion',
"2#202" => 'Preview',
// <--IPTC.Application2
$human_readable = array();
foreach ($iptc as $code => $field_value) {
$human_readable[$iptc_codes_to_names[$code]] = $field_value;
return $human_readable;