在我在互联网上看到的大约一半的 svg 示例中,代码都包含在简单的 <svg></svg>
In about half of the svg examples I see on the internet, the code is wrapped in plain simple <svg></svg>
另外一半,svg 标签有很多复杂的属性,像这样:
In the other half, the svg tags have lots of complicated attributes like this:
我的问题是:可以使用简单的 svg 标签吗?我试过玩复杂的,如果我不包括它们,一切都很好.
My question is: is it ok to use the simple svg tags? I've tried playing around with the complicated ones, and everything works fine at my end if I don't include them.
All user agents (browsers) ignore the version attribute, so you can always drop that.
如果您将 SVG 内联嵌入 HTML 页面并将该页面作为 text/html
提供,那么 xmlns 属性不是必需的.在 HTML 文档中嵌入 SVG 是一项相当新的创新,它是 HTML5 的一部分.
If you embed your SVG inline in a HTML page and serve that page as text/html
then xmlns attributes are not required. Embedding SVG inline in HTML documents is a fairly recent innovation that came along as part of HTML5.
但是,如果您将页面作为 image/svg+xml 或 application/xhtml+xml 或任何其他导致用户代理使用 XML 解析器的 MIME 类型,那么 xmlns 属性是必需的.直到最近,这是唯一的做事方式,所以有很多这样的内容.
If however you serve your page as image/svg+xml or application/xhtml+xml or any other MIME type that causes the user agent to use an XML parser then the xmlns attributes are required. This was the only way to do things until recently so there is a lot of content served like this.
这篇关于是否需要 'xmlns' 和 'version' 等 SVG 参数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!