

我有一些关于让代码在给定时间间隔内自动运行的问题.我正在编写一种游戏模式,它检查玩家是否已经杀死了地图上的所有怪物(我有我的方法).我想知道编程此检查的最佳方法是什么?我已经查找了一个人在类构造函数期间创建 ScheduledExecutorService 的方法......

I have a few questions about having code that runs automatically within a given interval. I'm programming a kind of game mode where it checks if the players have killed all the monsters in the map (I have my methods for these). I was wondering what's the best way to program this check? I've looked up ways where a person made a ScheduledExecutorService during a class constructor....

private ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();


But I saw online where people used

static void main(String[] args) {


And a run method to do the checks. Which would be better? I'm simply wanting to have a check that runs every few or so seconds that sees if the player has cleared the map, and if he or she has, then to progress to the next stage.


我认为每次玩家杀死怪物时你都可以检查一下.也许您想收听 KillMonster 事件.您可以创建接口并在其他类中实现它.

I think you can check this every time the player kills a monster. Maybe you want to listen to a KillMonster event. You can create interfaces and implement that in your other class.

public interface KillMonsterEventListener {
    void onKillMonster ();

然后在播放器类中您可以调用一个方法来调用所有事件侦听器的onKillMonster().我想你知道怎么做.只需创建一个 KillMonsterEventListener 列表并使用如下方法:

And then in the player class you can call a method to call onKillMonster() of all the event listeners. I think you know how to do that. Just create a list of KillMonsterEventListeners and have a method like:

public void addKillMonsterEventListener (KillMonsterEventListener listener) {
    listeners.add (listener); //listeners is the list of KillMonsterEventListeners.


08-03 23:57