本文介绍了当外部测试用例因JUnit 5失败时,请勿启动嵌套测试用例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

public class HierarchicalTest {

    void checkOuter() {

    class PrepBTest {

        void checkInnerA() {}

        void checkInnerB() {}


I want to have the behavior that checkInnerA() and checkInnerB() won't be executed when checkOuter() fails.


On the other side checkInnerB() should be executed when checkInnerA() fails because it is on the same level.

是否有一种简单的解决方案(例如,具有JUnit 5扩展名)来实现此行为?我认为这通常是所希望的行为.

Is there a simple soulution (e.g. with JUnit 5 extension) to achieve this behavior?In my opinion that's often the behavior which is wished.



从JUnit Jupiter 5.4开始,您可以开发实现TestWatcherExecutionCondition API的扩展来实现此行为.

As of JUnit Jupiter 5.4, you can develop an extension that implements the TestWatcher and ExecutionCondition APIs to achieve this behavior.

TestWatcher API的testFailed()方法中,您需要跟踪有故障的测试类,并且需要将此信息存储在 root ExtensionContext.Store中.

In the testFailed() method from the TestWatcher API you need to track test classes that have failures, and you need to store this information in the root ExtensionContext.Store.

ExecutionCondition API的evaluateExecutionCondition()方法中,您需要确定当前类是否为@Nested测试类(即,内部类),并检查是否包含封闭式测试全班都失败了.如果确实如此,则需要禁用当前的@Nested测试类,否则启用.

In the evaluateExecutionCondition() method from the ExecutionCondition API you need to determine if the current class is a @Nested test class (i.e., an inner class) and check if the enclosing test class had failures. If that holds true, you need to disable the current @Nested test class and otherwise enable it.

这些是一般准则.有关工作示例,请参见 SkipOnFailuresInEnclosingClassExtension 我刚刚发布到了GitHub上的junit5-demo存储库中.如果该示例也用@SkipOnFailuresInEnclosingClass注释,则该示例仅跳过@Nested测试类就更进一步了. OuterTests 类显示实际使用的注释和扩展名.

Those are the general guidelines. For a working example, please see the SkipOnFailuresInEnclosingClassExtension I just posted to my junit5-demo repository on GitHub. That example goes one step further by only skipping @Nested test classes if they are also annotated with @SkipOnFailuresInEnclosingClass. The OuterTests class shows the annotation and extension in action.

不,从JUnit Jupiter 5.3开始,当前无法使用开箱即用的解决方案来实现这一目标.

No, as of JUnit Jupiter 5.3, there is currently no way to achieve that with out-of-the-box solutions.


You could potentially write a custom extension that tracks the success of tests in an enclosing test class -- for example, by implementing TestExecutionExceptionHandler. That would need to be stored in the ExtensionContext.Store. The extension would then need to implement ExecutionCondition to programmatically disable nested test classes.

不幸的是,跟踪当前先前执行的测试的成功"不是很简单,但是随着新的TestWatcher扩展API的引入,这种情况应该会得到改善,该API目前计划包含在即将发布的JUnit Jupiter 5.4中: https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/issues/542

It's unfortunately not very straightforward to track the "success" of previously executed tests currently, but that should improve with the introduction of the new TestWatcher extension API that is currently slated for inclusion in the upcoming JUnit Jupiter 5.4: https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/issues/542

这篇关于当外部测试用例因JUnit 5失败时,请勿启动嵌套测试用例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 19:35