模板文件:只要你有'django.template .loaders.app_directories.load_template_source包含在你的项目的TEMPLATE_LOADERS设置中,你不用担心这个。您的每个应用程序都可以有一个templates /子目录,其中的模板将被加载,就像它们在项目范围的模板目录中一样。
编辑settings.py :没有简单的方法围绕这一个。为了使其模型,模板标签,管理命令等工作,应用程序必须在INSTALLED_APPS中列出。您可以做的是在settings.py中编写一些自定义代码,其中列出了某个目录的内容,并将其发现的包动态添加到INSTALLED_APPS。有点危险(仔细想想有谁拥有将文件放置在该目录中的权限,因为它们具有您的王国的密钥),并且只有在服务器重新加载时才会检测到新文件,但它应该可以工作。
I have a django project which is installed by customers on their servers. I've got a few more apps which are optional plugins of functionality that can be installed/uninstalled.
I'd like a simple way to package these plugin apps to make the install/uninstall painless. I dont want them to copy the template files to one directory, app to another one, media to a third one and so on. I would prefer that they need not edit settings.py, though its okay if it can't be helped.
The ideal situation would be if they could simply unzip to a location on the python path (maybe a special plugin directory?), and delete it to uninstall. Is there an easy way to package the apps so that they can be installed this way?
I'll skip over discussion of Python packaging (distutils, setuptools, pip, etc), since it sounds like you'd prefer using simple zip files or tarballs. I'll address the "pain points" you mentioned one at a time:
Template files: As long as you have 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source' included in the TEMPLATE_LOADERS setting of your projects, you shouldn't have to worry about this one. Each of your apps can have a "templates/" subdirectory, and templates in there will be loaded just as if they were in your project-wide templates directory.
Media files: App media is a pain. For development, you can use a custom serve_media view that operates similarly to the app_directories template loader (looks for media in each app). In production, you have to either copy the files, use symbolic links, or use webserver-level aliases. There are several utility apps out there that try to smooth over this problem; I now use django-staticfiles.
Editing settings.py: No simple way around this one. For its models, template tags, management commands, etc to work, an app has to be listed in INSTALLED_APPS. What you could do is write some custom code in your settings.py that lists the contents of a certain directory and dynamically adds the packages it finds there to INSTALLED_APPS. A little bit dangerous (think carefully about who has permissions to place files in that directory, because they have the keys to your kingdom), and new files there will only be detected on a server reload, but it should work.
I think if you put together those solutions, it's possible to achieve your ideal situation: unzip to install, delete to uninstall.