


I have a program launching a website via the following command.

cmd "start /max http://url.com"

在通过这种方法推出一个网站,它使用的默认浏览器为打开一个新窗口,它的默认设置。例如,Firefox和IE会打开窗口现有的窗口的选项卡内,如果它们被设置为这样做。我有IE 6的报告替换当前打开的窗口与url.com的内容的内容。当IE 6被设置为默认浏览器,并用当前网页打开上面会替换url.com打开的窗口中的内容,而不是打开一个新的窗口,我测试过这一点,果然。

When launching a website via this method it uses the default browser with its default settings for opening a new window. for example, firefox and IE will open the window inside the tab of an existing window if they are set to do so. I have reports of IE 6 replacing the content of a current opened window with the content of url.com. I've tested this and sure enough when IE 6 is set as the default browser and with a current webpage opened the above will replace the content of the opened window with url.com rather than opening a fresh window.


Upon running some tests I see the command listed here:

cmd "start /max iexplore.exe http://url.com"

将始终打开一个新窗口(当然,Internet Explorer)中,无论现有的窗口被present与否。

Will consistently open a new window( with internet explorer of course) regardless of an existing window being present or not.

谁能告诉我,如果我错过了在IE 6个傻设置或是否有一种方法可以复制通过直接调用IEXPLORE.EXE展出了总是打开新窗口的功能,但调用用户的默认浏览器来代替。

Can anyone tell me if I'm missing a silly setting in IE 6 or if there is a way to duplicate the "always open a new window" functionality exhibited by calling iexplore.exe directly, but with calling the user default browser instead.



IE浏览器有一个设置,位于工具 / Internet选项 / 高级 / 浏览,名为再次使用窗口来启动快捷方式,这是默认选中的。对于支持标签浏览的IE版本,此选项只当标签浏览关闭(事实上,IE9测试版明确提到这一点)。然而,由于IE6不具有标签式浏览,此选项不影响通过外壳打开的网址(如你的例子)。

IE has a setting, located in Tools / Internet options / Advanced / Browsing, called Reuse windows for launching shortcuts, which is checked by default. For IE versions that support tabbed browsing, this option is relevant only when tab browsing is turned off (in fact, IE9 Beta explicitly mentions this). However, since IE6 does not have tabbed browsing, this option does affect opening URLs through the shell (as in your example).


07-29 20:16