If I create a new Delphi form, hook its OnResize event, and run the app, OnResize is fired before the window is shown. What I don't know is whether this will always happen, for any window.
(对于熟悉Windows API的任何人,我都将其追溯到ShowWindow调用在TCustomForm.ShowingChanged(Delphi 2007中的Forms.pas第5503行)中,至少对于未设置其他属性的新窗口,它显然触发了 WM_SIZE
...。尚未看到ShowWindow总是触发 WM_SIZE
(For anyone familiar with the Windows API, I've traced it to the ShowWindow call in TCustomForm.ShowingChanged (Forms.pas line 5503 in Delphi 2007), which apparently triggers a WM_SIZE
... at least, for a new window with no other properties set. I haven't seen it documented that ShowWindow always fires WM_SIZE
, so I don't know whether I can count on this or not.)
因此:在首次显示OnResize时,我是否可以依靠TForm 始终触发它?还是有这种情况(例如,如果窗口不可调整大小,也许,如果Position属性具有某些值,等等。)在第一次显示该窗口之前可能不会触发OnResize吗?
So: Can I rely on a TForm always firing OnResize when it's first shown? Or are there circumstances (maybe if the window is non-resizable, maybe if the Position property has certain values, etc.) where OnResize might not fire before the window is first shown?
No, this event doesn't always fire when the form shows, depending on things like BorderStyle. For example, it fires on startup for bsSingle, but not for bsDialog.
It's easy to test. Just add some logging code to the main form's OnResize event, change the BorderStyle and run your app.